Beginning VB.NET 2003ISBN: 978-0-7645-5658-6
840 pages
April 2004
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.
Chapter | Page | Details | Date | Print Run |
20 | Error in Text 4th paragraph, next to heading "Class View", it reads: ....shown as a tab at the bottom the Solution Explorer... SHOULD READ: ...shown as a tab at the bottom of the Solution Explorer... |
05/23/2008 | ||
44 | Error in Text Under heading "Security", 1st sentence, it reads: .Net has a powerful support for is the concept of code security... SHOULD READ: One thing .Net has a powerful support for is the concept of security... |
05/23/2008 | ||
59 | Error in text where it reads: between -1.7 x 10,308 and +1.7 x 10,308 [Thearon] There was a printing error here and the comma should have been a power sign. should read: -1.79769313486231570E+308 through -4.94065645841246544E-324 for negative values; 4.94065645841246544E-324 through 1.79769313486231570E+308 for positive values |
11/22/05 | ||
59 | Error in text between -3.4 x 1038 and +3.4 x 1038 should read: -3.4028235E+38 through -1.401298E-45 for negative values; 1.401298E-45 through 3.4028235E+38 for positive values |
11/22/05 | ||
3 | 75 | Error in text. Character byte and bit size. The text at the bottom of the page has an error. Currently it reads: Unlike integers and doubles, strings do not have a fixed length. Each character in the string takes up two bytes, or 16-bits. So, to represent this 13-character string, you need 13 bytes or 104 bits. The text should read: Unlike integers and doubles, strings do not have a fixed length. Each character in the string takes up two bytes, or 16-bits. So, to represent this 13-character string, you need 26 bytes or 208 bits. |
9-23-2004 | 1 |
75 | Error in Paragraph 2 Paragraph should read: A 32-bit number can represent any value between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. |
4/28/05 | ||
3 | 77 | Error in "Let's Look..." Under the heading "Let's look at what's happening:" It should read 8 bytes and not 6 bytes. |
5/2/05 | |
4 | 111 | In the "How It Works" Section the following code snippet has a typo Select Case name.ToLwer Should read as Select Case name.ToLower |
2/1/05 | |
114 | Spelling Error, Paragraph 1 in Loop Section Section Loops par. 1 reads: When writing computer software, you often need to perform the same task a several times ... Should be ... perform the same task several times ... |
5/2/05 | ||
116 | Error in Text Under the heading, "How it Works", 4th unindented paragraph, reads: ...This time, this line of codes add... SHOULD BE: ...This time, this line of code adds... |
05/23/2008 | ||
118 | Error in Text Under the heading "The For Each...Next Loop", 1st paragraph, 3rd sentence, it reads: ...called for For Each...Next loop... SHOULD BE: ...called For Each...Next loop.... (without the first "for") |
05/23/2008 | ||
5 | 155 | Error in text. Typo in Declaration The 4th line of text on that page is: Private_customers As New ArrayList()The text should be: Private _customers As New ArrayList()Note the space between "Private" and "_customers". |
9-23-2004 | 1 |
159 | Error in Code On pg 159, lines 4 & 6, the code in brackets reads "deleteCustomer". On pg 161, lines 15 & 18, the code in brackets that now reads "SelectedCustomer" should also read "deleteCustomer" as this code refers to previous code given. |
05/30/2008 | ||
4 | Chapter 4 does not introduce classes "Chapter 4 introduced the concept of creating your own classes for us in in your applicaitions." However, there is no reference to user defined class block. Chapter 4 deals with conditional and looping statements, and string comparisions. This information is correct; Chapter 4 did not introduce classes. However, Chapter 5 does introduce classes on page 163. |
5/2/05 | ||
163 | Error in last line of code reads: Private_customers As New CustomerCollection should be: Private _customers As New CustomerCollection Note the space between "Private" and "_customers". |
11/22/05 | ||
164 | Error in last line of code reads: Return_customers (lstCustomers.SelectedIndex) Should read: Return _customers (lstCustomers.SelectedIndex) Note the space between "Return" and "_customers". |
11/22/05 | ||
166 | Error in steps 1 and 2 In steps 1 and 2 the book instructs the reader to add this code: Private_emailHashtable As New Hashtable Public ReadOnly Property EmailHashtable() As Hashtable Get Return_emailHashtable End Get End Property When there should be a space between the underscore and the keyword: Private _emailHashtable As New Hashtable Public ReadOnly Property EmailHashtable() As Hashtable Get Return _emailHashtable End Get End Property |
2/8/05 | ||
5 | 166 abd 168 | Space Between Underscore and Keyword Private_emailHashtable As New Hashtable() Change to Private _emailHashtable As New Hashtable() There should be a space between the underscore and the keyword. |
4/26/05 | |
265 | Error in Text In the second paragraph. The book states: "...the letter before which the ampersand appears will become underlined." It should read: "...the letter after which the ampersand appears will become underlined." |
7/8/05 | ||
266-267 | Misplaced ampersands Items 7,11,15,19 some ampersands are misplaced in the instructional text. For example, p.266, 1st line, #7, the end of the sentence reads "... enter the text &Exit." ["&Exit" is in bold.]. However the ampersand should be after the "E", not before it. Thus: "E&xit", not "&Exit." Similarly... #11: "&Cut" s/b "Cu&t" #15: "&Select All" s/b "Select &All" |
12/6/04 | ||
337 | Extra space in code Last line on page Private_numberofDoors As Integer = 5 Should read Private _numberofDoors As Integer = 5 |
4/6/05 | ||
345 | Missing Definition #4 Missing defintion of Horsepower Should have Public horsepower as integer defined |
4/6/05 | ||
411 | First paragraph, under figure 12-2 "even though they are both contained in the same project..." should read "even though they are both contained in the same solution..." |
11/30/04 | ||
540 | Line 13 Source code reads "Dim inPosition as Integer" and should read "Dim intPosition..." |
1/7/05 | ||
540 | Error in Text 4th line. This will return the authors whose last name is Green and ... Should be: This will return the authors whose last name is not Green and ..." |
6/27/05 | ||
543 | Error in Text Text reads: Dim objConnection as SqlConnection = New _ SqlConnection("server=(local);database="pubs";user id=sa;password=") This line give the Type not defined error. Should read: Dim objConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local);database=pubs;user id=sa;password=") The syntax(?) error went away. |
06/21/2006 |