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Curl Programming Bible

ISBN: 978-0-7645-4942-7
792 pages
May 2002
Curl Programming Bible (0764549421) cover image
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Curl Corporation is a software technology company that enables the development and deployment of next-generation Web pages and applications by providing full application-level functionality and a substantially richer, more interactive Web experience for the user.
Based in Cambridge, Mass., Curl was founded in February of 1998 to extend and commercialize the results of a three-year, $5 million, DARPA-funded research project conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DARPA, recognizing the need for standards and new models for harnessing the power of the Web, provided a grant that established the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Curl project to develop the "next generation of communication and computation software."
The founders of Curl Corporation were twelve members of the MIT community, with a technical team led by Stephen A. Ward, an internationally recognized computer scientist; Michael L. Dertouzos, Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; and Timothy Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web and Director of the W3C.

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