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Excel 2000 VBA: Programmers Reference

ISBN: 978-0-7645-4401-9
744 pages
June 1999
Excel 2000 VBA: Programmers Reference (0764544012) cover image
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Chapter 1: Introduction.

Chapter 2: Primer in Excel VBA.

Chapter 3: The Application Object.

Chapter 4: Workbooks and Worksheets.

Chapter 5: Using Ranges.

Chapter 6: Using Names.

Chapter 7: Filtered Lists.

Chapter 8: Generating Charts.

Chapter 9: Event Procedures.

Chapter 10: Adding Controls.

Chapter 11: UserForms.

Chapter 12: Command Bars.

Chapter 13: Class Modules.

Chapter 14: Addins.

Chapter 15: Interacting with other Office Applications.

Chapter 16: International Issues.

Chapter 17: Programming the VBE.

Chapter 18: Programming with the Windows API.

Appendix A: Excel 2000 Object Model.

Appendix B: VBE Object Model.

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