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Beginning Visual C#, Revised Edition of Beginning C# for .NET v1.0

Beginning Visual C#, Revised Edition of Beginning C# for .NET v1.0 (0764543822) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
3 39 Maximum value for float, double and decimal types

The maximum values for the float, double and decimal types have been incorrectly formatted. They should be 2 to the power of 24 for float, 2 to the power of 53 for double, and 2 to the power of 96 for decimal. Also, the minimum exponent (Mine in the table) for decimal is -28 and not -26.

29-Nov-02 1
49 Error in Code
Console.WriteLine("The result of subtracting {0} from {1} is {2}.",

firstNumber, secondNumber, firstNumber - secondNumber);

Should be

Console.WriteLine("The result of subtracting {0} from {1} is {2}.",

firstNumber, secondNumber, secondNumber - firstNumber);

OR should be

Console.WriteLine("The result of subtracting {1} from {0} is {2}.",

firstNumber, secondNumber, firstNumber - secondNumber);

OR should be

Console.WriteLine("The result of the subtraction from {0} of {1} is

{2}.", firstNumber, secondNumber, firstNumber - secondNumber);
7 178 Writing Text to the Output Window

The heading halfway down the page that reads: "Try It Out - Writing Text to the Output Window" should really say "Try It Out - Handling Exceptions", since that is what the exampe is effectively demonstrating.

21-Jan-03 1
12 Bug Solution to 2nd Exercise of Chapter 12
See the download page for the solution file.
15 459 dlgOpenFile

In the second line from the bottom of the page, the name for the OpenFileDialog instance should be dlgOpenFile, not dlgOpen as mentioned there. It is correct in the subsequent code.

29-Nov-02 1
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