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J2EE 1.4 Essentials

ISBN: 978-0-7645-2615-2
480 pages
March 2003
J2EE 1.4 Essentials (0764526154) cover image
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Part I: Introducing J2EE 1.4 and Enterprise Web Services Chapter 1 Why All the Excitement?

Chapter 2: J2EE 1.4 Architecture, Terminology, and Features.

Chapter 3: Platform and Web Services.

Chapter 4: Case Studies and Sample Scenarios.

Part II: From Client to Server with Servlets, JSPs, and Beans.

Chapter 5: Extending and Enhancing Web Servers with Java Servlets.

Chapter 6: Creating Dynamic Web Pages with JSP.

Chapter 7: Building Server-Side Business Components with EJBs.

Chapter 8: Tying into Transactions and Dipping into Databases.

Part III: Creating Web Services with XML.

Chapter 9: Processing XML with JAXP.

Chapter 10: Creating Web Service Endpoints and Clients with JAX-RPC.

Chapter 11: Sending and Receiving XML Messages with SAAJ.

Chapter 12: Accessing XML Registries with JAXR.

Appendix: Essential J2EE 1.4 Resources.


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