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Wall Street at War: The Secret Struggle for the Global Economy

ISBN: 978-0-7456-4418-9
144 pages
October 2010, Polity
List Price: US $19.95
Government Price: US $12.76
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Wall Street at War: The Secret Struggle for the Global Economy (074564418X) cover image
Other Available Formats: Hardcover

  • Wall Street is in the news. The turmoil on the financial markets has generated a great deal of interest in the workings of the world's largest and most powerful financial institutions.
  • Alexandra Ouroussoff is an economic anthropologist who spent several years doing an ethnographic study of Wall Street which gave her an insider's view of how large corporations and financial institutions work.
  • Through her research she identified a deep tension and contradiction in the way that the most powerful players understand the role of risk in the workings of the global economy.
  • This book gives a unique insider's account of the rise of the credit agencies, which have assumed enormous power in the global economy and changed the rules of the game.

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