Cosmopolitanism and International Relations TheoryISBN: 978-0-7456-4324-3
224 pages
June 2011, Polity
![]() Other Available Formats: Hardcover
"An essential reader for students of international relations theory and those seeking a foundational text to cosmopolitanism with clear depictions of the linkage and responses to its critics."
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
"The author's tolerantly critical and systematic approach allows
him to meet each critical debate with an especiallywell-tailored
and zealously argued cosmopolian response, which is bound to appeal
to scholars of law and politics."
Political Studies Review
"Beardsworth interrogates contemporary cosmopolitanism with the
traditions of international relations theory most critical of it.
The sophisticated cosmopolitan liberalism he unfolds in response is
resourceful, often surprising, and wise."
Leif Wenar, King's College London
"Cosmopolitanism is now a central framework for thinking about
questions of international relations and global politics. In this
superb book, Richard Beardsworth draws together themes from
cosmopolitan thinking and rival traditions of international thought
to produce a fascinating synthesis that shows a way forward for
cosmopolitan insights that neither ignores nor denies the
difficulties and problems international relations displays. An
important and original argument which all those interested in
international political theory should read."
Nicholas Rengger, St Andrews University
"Cosmopolitanism and International Relations Theory is an
incisive contribution to international political theory.
Philosophically wide-ranging, analytically rigorous and politically
engaged, this important book both challenges and enriches
contemporary debates, while providing new directions for theory and
recommendations for practice. As an impressive tour d'horizon, and
a significant philosophic contribution, this is a book that
cosmopolitans, their critics and international political theorists
of all kinds will find essential reading and ground for
Michael C. Williams, École supérieure d'affaires
publiques et internationales