The Great DisruptionISBN: 978-0-7456-3663-4
272 pages
September 2007, Polity
![]() Other Available Formats: Paperback
Introduction. The “Imaginary” of a New World
1 Sovereignty is No Longer One and Indivisible
From Government to Governance
2 The Redistribution of Sovereignty
Redistribution Towards the Market - Hayek Against Bodin - Redistribution Towards Civil Society - Civil Society and State Sovereignty - Why are Law and Politics not One and the Same?
3 Towards The Era of Operational Sovereignty?
4 Governance Against Sovereignism
Why Does Europe Prefer Standards and Norms? - Governance against Sovereignism: Proof by the Economy - Euro-American To-ings and Fro-ings - The Spectacular Inversion of Attitudes to Risk in Europe and America - Between Europe and America: a “Conflict of Experience”- The WTO and the Challenge of Collective Preferences - The Kyoto Litmus Test - The Conflict Around International Criminal Justice - Why has America Gone Back to Carl Schmitt? - Why is Europe Kantian?
5 The Self-Regulating Market
Why are there Fewer Public Goods? - The Market is Not External to Society - The Market Comes Off its National Hinges - The Ideological Construction of Globalization - Lex Globalica - The Dynamics of Self-Regulation
6 Is the State the “Useful Idiot” of the Global Village?
The Hobbesian State - The Market State - The Politicization of World Trade
The State as Guarantor of the Openness of Markets - The State as Guarantor of Collective Preferences - The Cannibalization of the Welfare State? - Does Globalization Create a Demand for More State Intervention?
7 The New Property Question
The Return of Enclosures - The Tragedy of the Anti-Commons
8 Is Alterglobalism a Trade Unionism?
The Founding Moves of Alterglobalism - The Mobilizing Myth of the Tobin Tax -
Why Alterglobalism is not a Trade Unionism - The Three Tendencies within French Alterglobalism - The Left and Alterglobalism
9 Why Does Globalization Generate Anxiety?
Age, Qualifications, Exposure and Socialization: the Quadrilateral of Representations - Populism or the Rejection of Complexity - Why Peoples are not Spontaneously pro-Free Trade - The Abiding Influence of Mercantilism
10 The Cohort of Losers
Why does Globalization Downgrade Unskilled Workers Even More? - The Global Social Ladder Kicked Away
Conclusion. There is no Globalization Without Difficulty… Or Without History