Modernism: A Cultural HistoryISBN: 978-0-7456-2982-7
216 pages
June 2005, Polity
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Other Available Formats: Paperback
-- Andrzej Gasiorek and Peter Boxall, The Year's Work in
Critical and Cultural Theory
"Typically wide-ranging and consummately synthesized, this is
the most stimulating, illuminating and pacey account of modernist
culture I have read. Armstrong is one of the foremost authorities
in his field and his book is certain to become a critical
touchstone for students and experts alike."
-- David Bradshaw, Oxford University
"Tim Amstrong’s Modernism: A Cultural History is a
comprehensive and yet original introduction to the culture of
modernism, a team Armstrong defines far more widely than previous
writers. This book covers a wider range of non-literary topics than
any other introduction to modernism, taking in mass culture,
psychology, the sciences, technology, race and empire, among many
others. But it also includes well-informed and persuasive
discussions of a host of literary figures usually ignored in
histories of the modern movement. In its sheer inclusiveness,
Modernism: A Cultural History expands and alters our notion
of what the term 'modernism' can mean."
-- Professor Michael North, UCLA