The Politics of the New CentreISBN: 978-0-7456-2460-0
232 pages
July 2000, Polity
![]() Other Available Formats: Paperback
"Bodo Hombach had a major role in the reconstruction of leftist
politics in Germany that led to the electoral victory of the Social
Democractic Party in 1998. The history of German social democracy
over the past two decades or so quite closely resembles that of the
Labour Party in Britain and it isn't surprising that in The
Politics of the New Centre the author makes considerable play
with the changes initiated by New Labour in the UK.
The ideas presented in this book give form and substance to the
evolutuion of the debate about third way politics in the
English-speaking world. This translation of Hombach's book is a
welcome event. His work should provoke as much interest, and
controversy, as it did on its initial appearance in Germany."
Anthony Giddens, London School of Economics and Poltical Science.