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Wittgenstein: A Feminist Interpretation

ISBN: 978-0-7456-2074-9
184 pages
July 2004, Polity
List Price: US $72.75
Government Price: US $46.56
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Wittgenstein: A Feminist Interpretation (0745620744) cover image
Other Available Formats: Paperback

"Nicely written and accessible."

Katherine Morris, Mind

"In this extraordinary book Alessandra Tanesini uses a feminist lens to bring into focus the disaffection with modern subjectivity that, she persuasively argues, links Wittgenstein's work, early and late. Her sensitive scrutiny yields carefully focused readings through which she traces the shape of Wittgenstein's efforts to return us to finitude, to our bodies, and to each other."

Naomi Scheman, University of Minnesota

"This book looks at Wittgenstein through the lens of feminist philosophical methodology. What emerges is an illuminating recognition of his work as a critique of modernist thinking for leading to a separation between self and world, and seld and others. Tanesini presents us with a Wittgenstein searching for descriptions which allow us to be "at home" in the world and "at home" with each other. This is a striking use of feminist methodology to yield new insight into well-know philosophical texts."

Kathleen Lennon, University of Hull

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