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Social Policy and Social Justice: The IPPR Reader

Jane Franklin (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-7456-1940-8
328 pages
March 1998, Polity
List Price: US $39.95
Government Price: US $26.56
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Social Policy and Social Justice: The IPPR Reader (0745619401) cover image
Other Available Formats: Hardcover


Editor's Note.


Introduction: Social Policy in Perspective.

Part 1: New Frameworks for the Twenty First Century.

1. The UK in a Changing World: The Commission on Social Justice.

2. What is Social Justice? The Commission on Social Justice.

3. What are Human Needs? Ian Gough.

4. Citizenship, Rights, Welfare: Raymond Plant.

5. The Role of the Public Sector and Public Expenditure: Dan Corry.

Part 2: Issues and Debates in Social Policy. .

6. Family Policy: Guidelines and Goals: Anna Coote, Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt.

7. Men and Their Children: Adrienne Burgess and Sandy Ruxton.

8. Act Local: Social Justice From the Bottom Up: David Donnison.

9. Building Social Capital: Mai Wann.

10. Racial Equality: Colour, Culture and Justice: Tariq Modood.

11. Bridging the Gap Between Them and Us: Anna Coote.

12. Citizens' Juries: Anna Coote and Jo Lenaghan.

Part 3: Service Design and Delivery.

13. Understanding Quality: Anna Coote.

14. Beyond the Citizen's Charter: Ian Bynoe.

15. Better Health for All: Anna Coote and David J. Hunter.

16. Rationing and Rights in Health Care: Jo Lenaghan.


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