Prostitution and Feminism: Towards a Politics of FeelingISBN: 978-0-7456-1921-7
240 pages
October 2000, Polity
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Other Available Formats: Hardcover
‘Prostitution and Feminism is a great examples of
feminist research, developing new theoretical concepts and
methodological approaches for a feminism that can entwine critical
conceptual explorations with an ethnographic approach that brings
life to the broader analysis. A wide-ranging, readable and
authoritative book.’ – Vikki Bell, Goldsmiths
College, University of London
‘By working across traditional disciplinary divides, O’Neill provides a stimulating and fresh approach to feminist work in the area of prostitution, at the same time making timely demands on the reader to think more deeply about the nature and purpose of feminist theory and research.’ – Jenny Ryan, Manchester Metropolitan University