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New Media, New Policies: Media and Communications Strategy for the Future

ISBN: 978-0-7456-1786-2
256 pages
October 1996, Polity
List Price: US $26.95
Government Price: US $17.92
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New Media, New Policies: Media and Communications Strategy for the Future (0745617867) cover image
Other Available Formats: Hardcover

We are in the middle of a communications revolution, expressed in a proliferation of media forms and media technologies. Are these changes a threat or a promise? Who is to control access to the media, old and new? What role should competition play in their further development? The United Kingdom is something of a global 'laboratory' for the deregulation and liberalization of media and communications. This is the first book to look systematically at the implications of the UK's experience and to provide clear guidelines for the future.

Richard Collins and Cristina Murroni question orthodox views of both Left and Right concerning media and communication policies. Unlike many in the Left, they acknowledge the achievements of liberalism and in fact advocate an expansion of competition in some contexts. In contrast to the Right they argue that media and communications are too important to society to be left solely to the market - not least because markets often fail. Regulation is needed for effective competition, to ensure affordable access to essential services and to protect citizens and consumers.

Collins's and Murroni's study was undertaken at the Institute for Public Policy Research - the UK's leading centre-left 'think tank'. Their findings are essential reading for policy-makers, students and professionals in the area of modern media and communications.

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