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Exodus Through the Centuries

ISBN: 978-0-631-23524-8
318 pages
December 2005, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $67.50
Government Price: US $46.68
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Other Available Formats: Hardcover

This bible commentary looks at how Exodus has influenced and has been influenced by history, religion, politics, the arts and other forms of culture over the ages.

  • A bible commentary tracing the reception history of Exodus from Old Testament times, through the Patristic and Reformation periods, to the present day.
  • Considers the ways in which Exodus has influenced and has been influenced by history, religion, politics, the arts and other forms of culture in Jewish, Christian and secular settings.
  • Looks at how Exodus has served as a tool of liberation and tyranny in a variety of settings.
  • Shows how Exodus has been used to shape the identities of individuals and groups.
  • Discusses the works of current and past poets, musicians, film-makers, authors and artists influenced by Exodus.
  • Addresses uses of Exodus related to American and European history such as the Glorious Revolution, colonialism, the American Revolution, Civil War, Civil Rights Movement, African-Americans, and Native Americans, as well as uses by prominent and little-known historical figures
  • Considers the impact of the Ten Commandments and other laws, in legal, political and religious contexts.
  • The Blackwell Bible Commentary series is supported by a website at www.bbibcomm.net

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