The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of LanguageISBN: 978-0-631-23141-7
460 pages
April 2006, Wiley-Blackwell
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Notes on Contributors.
Introduction: Michael Devitt and Richard Hanley.
Part I: Foundational Issues.
Foundations issues in the philosophy of language: Martin Davies (Australian National University).
Part II: Meaning.
The nature of meaning: Paul Horwich (City University of New York Graduate Center).
Truth and reference as the basis for meaning: James Higginbotham (University of Southern California).
Language, thought, and meaning: Brian Loar (Rutgers University).
Meaning skepticism: Alex Miller (Macquarie University).
Analyticity again: Jerry Fodor and Ernie Lepore (Rutgers University).
Formal semantics: Max Cresswell (University of Aukland & Texas A&M University) Speech acts and pragmatics: Kent Bach (San Francisco State University).
Figurative language: Josef Stern (University of Chicago & Bar-Ilan University, Israel).
Propositional attitude ascription: Mark Richard (Tufts University).
Conditionals: Frank Jackson (Australian National University).
Vagueness: Stephen Schiffer (New York University).
The semantics of non-factualism, non-cognitivism, quasi-realism: Simon Blackburn (University of Cambridge).
Part III: Reference.
Names: William Lycan (University of North Carolina).
General terms and mass terms: Stephen Schwartz (Ithaca College).
Descriptions: Peter Ludlow and Stephen Neale (University of Michigan & Rutgers University).
Using indexicals: John Perry (Stanford University).
Pronouns and anaphora: Stephen Neale (Rutgers University).
Naturalistic theories of reference: Karen Neander (University of California, Davis) Truth: Vann McGee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).