A Companion to the Philosophy of ScienceISBN: 978-0-631-23020-5
596 pages
July 2001, Wiley-Blackwell
![]() Other Available Formats: Hardcover
List of Logical Symbols.
1. Axiomatization (Frederick Suppe).
2. Berkeley (M. Hughes).
3. Biology (Paul Thompson).
4. Bohr (Dugald Murdoch).
5. Causation (Paul Humphreys).
6. Cognitive Approaches to Science (Ronald N. Giere).
7. Computing (Leslie Burkholder).
8. Confirmation, Paradoxes of (J.D. Trout).
9. Convention, Role of (Lawrence Sklar).
10. Craig's Theorem (Frederick Suppe).
11. Darwin (Samir Okasha).
12. Definitions (Frederick Suppe).
13. Descartes (Tom Sorell).
14. Discovery (Thomas Nickles).
15. Dispositions and Powers (Rom Harre).
16. Einstein (Christopher Ray).
17. Evidence and Confirmation (Colin Howson).
18. Experiment (David C. Gooding).
19. Explanation (W. H. Newton-Smith).
20. Feminist Accounts of Science (Kathleen Okruhlik).
21. Feyerabend (John Preston).
22. Galileo (Robert AE. Butts).
23. History, Role in the Philosophy of Science (Brendsan Larvor).
24. Holism (Christopher Hookway).
25. Hume (W. H. Newton-Smith).
26. Idealization (Yemima Ben-Menahem).
27. Incommensurability (Muhammad Ali Khalidi).
28. Induction and the Uniformity of Nature (Colin Howson).
29. Inference to the best Explanation (Peter Lipton).
30. Judgment, Role in Science (Harold I. Brown).
31. Kuhn (Richard Rorty).
32. Lakatos (Thomas Nickles).
33. Laws of Nature (Rom Harre).
34. Leibniz (William Seager).
35. Locke (G.A. J. Rogers).
36. Logical Empiricism (Wesley C. Salmon).
37. Logical Positivism (Christopher Ray).
38. Mathematics, Role in Science (James Robert Brown).
39. Mathematics, Role in Science (James Robert Brown).
40. Measurement (J.D. Ttrout).
41. Metaphor in Science (Eleonora Montuschi).
42. Metaphysics, Role in Science (William Seager).
43. Mill (Geoggrey Scarre).
44. Models and Analogies (Mary Hesse).
45. Naturalism (Ronald N. Giere).
46. Natural Kinds (John Dupre).
47. Newton (Richard S. Westfall).
48. Observation and Theory (Peter Achinstein).
49. Pierce (Cheryl Misak).
50. Physicalism (William Seager).
51. Popper (John Watkins).
52. Pragmatic Factors in Theory Acceptance (John Worrall).
53. Probability (Philip Percival).
54. Qualities, Primary and Secondary (G.A.J. Rogers).
55. Quantum Mechanics (Richard Healey).
56. Quine (Lars Bergstrom).
57. Ramsey Sentences (Frederick Suppe).
58. Realism and Instrumentalism (Jarrett Leplin).
59. Reductionism (John Dupre).
60. Relativism 9James W. Mcallister).
61. Russell (Paul J. Hager).
62. Scientific Methodology (Gary Gutting).
63. Scientific Methodology (Gary Gutting).
64. Simplicity (Elliott Sober).
65. Social Factors in Science (James Robert Brown).
66. Social Science, Philosophy of (Alex Rosenberg).
67. Space, Time, and Relativity (Lawrence4 Sklar).
68. Statistical Explanation (Christopher Read Hitchock and Wesley C. Salmon).
69. Superveneince and Determination (William Seager).
70. Technology, Philosophy of (Mary Tiles).
71. Teleological Explanation (Andrew Woodfield).
72. Theoretical Terms: Meaning and Reference A(Philip Percival).
73. Theories (Ronald N. Giere).
74. Theory Identity (Frederick Suppe).
75. Thought Experiments (James Robert Brown).
76. Underdetermination of theory by Data (W.H. Newton-Smith).
77. Unification of Theories (James W. Mcallister).
78. The Unity of Science (C.A. Hooker).
79. Values in Science (Ernan McMullin).
80. Verisimilitude (Chris Brink).
81. Whewell (John Wettersten).