Stalinism: The Essential ReadingsISBN: 978-0-631-22890-5
336 pages
December 2002, Wiley-Blackwell
![]() Other Available Formats: Paperback
Acknowledgments ix
Glossary xi
Introduction: Interpretations of Stalinism 1
David L. Hoffmann
Part I The Origins of Stalinism 9
1 Stalin's Role 11
Stalin and his Stalinism: Power and Authority in the Soviet Union,
1930–1953 13
Ronald Grigor Suny
2 Social Origins 37
Grappling with Stalinism 39
Moshe Lewin
3 Socialist Ideology 63
The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia 65
Martin Malia
4 The Foreign Threat 81
The Objectives of the Great Terror, 1937–1938 83
Oleg Khlevnyuk
5 The Welfare State 105
Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization 107
Stephen Kotkin
6 State Violence 127
State Violence as Technique: The Logic of Violence in Soviet
Totalitarianism 129
Peter Holquist
Part II The Consequences of Stalinism 157
7 Resistance and Conformity 159
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times 161
Sheila Fitzpatrick
8 Stalinist Subjectivity 179
Working, Struggling, Becoming: Stalin-Era Autobiographical Texts
Jochen Hellbeck
9 Women and Gender 211
Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development, and Social Change
Gail Warshofsky Lapidus
10 Ethnicity and Nationality 237
Nature and Nurture in a Socialist Utopia: Delineating the Soviet
Socio-Ethnic Body in the Age of Socialism 239
Amir Weiner
11 The Postwar Years 275
Russia after the War: Hopes, Illusions, and Disappointments
Elena Zubkova
Index 302