The European Union: The Annual Review 1998 / 1999ISBN: 978-0-631-21598-1
260 pages
January 2000, Wiley-Blackwell
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2. Keynote article: Agenda 2000 - Packaging the Deal: David Galloway (Council of the European Union).
3. Governance and Institutions: A Transitional Year: Desmond Dinan (The Netherlands Institute of International Relations).
4. The British Presidency of 1998: Peter Anderson (University of Central Lancashire, Preston).
5. Small and New, but Nonetheless Competent: Austria and the EU Presidency: Kurt Richard Luther (Keele University).
6. Internal Policy Developments: John Redmond (University of Birmingham).
7. External Policy Developments: David Allen and Michael Smith (Loughborough University).
8. EU Enlargement: Developments in 1998: Chris Preston (British Know-How Fund for Poland).
9. Legal Developments: Nigel Foster (Cardiff University).
10. Development in the Economies of the European Union: Nigel Grimwade (South Bank University, London).
11. Justice and Home Affairs: Jöerg Monar (University of Leicester).
12. Developments in the Member States: Brigid Laffan (University College Dublin).
13: A Guide to the Documentation of the European Union: Ian Thomson (Cardiff University) and Janet Mather (The Manchester Metropolitan University).
14. Chronology of Key Events 1998: Georg Wiessala (University of Central Lancashire, Preston).
15. Books on European Integration: Brian Ardy and Jackie Gower (Thames Valley University).