Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and PolicyISBN: 978-0-631-21586-8
400 pages
January 2000, Wiley-Blackwell
* Presents debates from world-renowned economists in a manner
accessible to the general economics reader
* Features work by leading figures such as Anne O. Krueger, Jagdish Bhagwati, Andrew J. Oswald, and Xavier X. Sala-i-Martin
* Preface by William D. Nordhaus, Yale University
* Discusses economic growth and asks "Does it make us happy?", "What sorts of circumstances help and hinder it?", "Do growth rates converge?"
* Features work by leading figures such as Anne O. Krueger, Jagdish Bhagwati, Andrew J. Oswald, and Xavier X. Sala-i-Martin
* Preface by William D. Nordhaus, Yale University
* Discusses economic growth and asks "Does it make us happy?", "What sorts of circumstances help and hinder it?", "Do growth rates converge?"