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The Blackwell Reader in Contemporary Social Theory

Anthony Elliott (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-631-20649-1
352 pages
September 1999, ©1999, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $170.95
Government Price: US $101.08
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Introduction: Anthony Elliott.

Part I: The Theory of the Subject:.

1. The Obsolescence of the Freudian Concept of Man: Herbert Marcuse. 2. Language and Speech: Roland Barthes.

3. The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I in Psychoanalytic Experience: Jacques Lacan.

4. Revolution in Poetic Language: Julia Kristeva.

5. The Individual and Representation: Cornelius Castoriadis.

Part II: Social Structure and Institutional Analysis:.

6. The Means of Correct Training: Michel Foucault.

7. Structures, Habitus, Practices: Pierre Bourdieu.

8. Elements of the Theory of Structuration: Anthony Giddens.

9. Society Turns Back upon Itself: Alain Touraine.

10. The Concept of Society: Niklas Luhmann.

11. Individualization and "Precarious Freedoms": Perspectives and Controversies of a Subject-Centered Sociology: Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim.

Part III: Contemporary Critical Theory:.

12. The Uncoupling of System and Lifeworld: Jurgen Habermas.

13. Patterns of Intersubjective Recognition: Love, Rights, and Solidarity: Axel Honneth.

14. Truth, Semblance, Reconciliation: Adorno's Aesthetic Redemption of Modernity: Albrecht Wellmer.

Part IV: Race, Multiculturalism, Difference: .

15. DissemiNation: Homi K. Bhabha.

16. Freud and the Epistemology of Race: Sander L. Gilman.

17. Masters, Mistresses, Slaves, and the Antinomies of Modernity: Paul Gilroy.

18. Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.

Part V: Feminism, Gender, and Sexual Difference: .

19. The Reproduction of Mothering: Nancy Chodorow.

20. This Sex which Is Not One: Luce Irigaray.

21. Gender Trouble: Judith Butler.

22. Living with Uncertainty: Jeffrey Weeks.

23. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective: Donna J. Haraway.

Part VI: The Modernity/Postmodernity Debate:.

24. Postmodernism: David Harvey.

25. The Postmodern Condition: Jean-Francois Lyotard.

26. Simulations: Jean Baudrillard.

27. Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism: Frederic Jameson.

28. Feminism and the Question of Postmodernism: Seyla Benhabib.

29. Postmodernity, or Living with Ambivalence: Zygmunt Bauman.


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