Not Your Mama's Beading: The Cool and Creative Way to String 'Em AlongISBN: 978-0-471-97380-5
256 pages
September 2006
![]() This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.
PART ONE: Brushing Up on Beading.
Chapter One: Beads in Our Time.
The Fashion-Conscious Neanderthal.
Glass Warfare.
Venice II Society.
Out of Africa.
East of Beadin’.
New World Beader.
You’re So Money, Baby.
We Got Spirits, Yes We Do!
Lighten Up, It’s Just Fashion.
And the Bead Goes On.
Chapter Two: The Good Buy Girl.
We Got the Bead: Types of Beads.
Beauty Comes in All Shapes and Sizes.
Materials Girl.
Survival Tools.
Chapter Three: Bead It.
The Anal-Retentive Beader: Preparing Your Environment.
String ’Em Along: Basic Bead Stringing.
The Stitchuation Room: Basic Beading Stitches.
Wire Wire, Pants on Fire: Beading with Wire.
PART TWO: Projects.
Chapter Four: Necklace Drivers.
Ribbon Campaign.
Financial Freedom.
Showcase Showdown.
Charm School.
Baby You’re a Star.
Chapter Five: Cuff Stuff.
Doing Time.
Security Anklet.
No Way Crochet.
Doin’ the Button.
Tough Cuff.
The Short and Winding Rope.
Spiked Punch.
Chapter Six: With This Ring (and These Earrings), I Thee Thread.
Hoop Therapy.
Girl with a Curl Earring.
Swinging from the Chandeliers.
Bling a Ding Ring.
Nesting Instinct.
Bead the Ball.
Catch Your Own Bouquet.
Chapter Seven: Ornamentation Nation.
Hair Tactics.
Zip It.
Cuff Drops.
Handbagger Helper.
Call Me!
Girls Gone Bridaled.
Chapter Eight: Gifts and Flair for Your Pied a Terre.
Know Your Place.
Tipple Rings.
Hit the Bottle.
Serviette Yourself.
Tacky Tacky.
Glass Ceiling Fan Pull.
The Collar Purple.
Gentle Beader.
PART THREE: Additional Information.
APPENDIX A: The Resourceful Beader.
APPENDIX B: Best Laid Plans.
APPENDIX C: Cheat Sheet.
APPENDIX D: I Wish I Could Kit You.
Designer Bios.