Coherent Flow Structures in Open ChannelsISBN: 978-0-471-95723-2
760 pages
May 1996
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List of Contributors.
Coherent Flow Structures in Smooth-wall Turbulent Boundaary Layers:Facts, Mechnaisms and Speculations (C. Smith).
Generalized Scaling of Coherent Bursting Structures in theNear-wall Region of Turbulent Flow over Smooth and Rough Boundaries(A. Grass and M. Mansour-Tehrani).
Laboratory Observations of Particlr Entrainment into Suspension byTurbulent Bursting (M. Garcia, et al.).
Transverse Spacing of Low-speed Streaks in a Channel Flow over aRough Bed (A. Defina).
A Model of an Impinging Jet on a Granular Bed, with Application toTurbulent, Event-driven Bedload Transport (A. Hogg, et al.).
Ratio of Lift and Shear Forces Over Rough Surfaces (A. Dittrich, etal.).
Scales of Turbulent Coherent Flow Structures in Gravel-bed Rivers(A. Roy, et al.).
Markov Analysis of Velocity Fluctuations in Gravel-bed Rivers (R.Ferguson, et al.).
The Application of Particle Image Velocimetry to the Study ofCoherent Flow Structures over a Stabilizing Sediment Bed (S. Tait,et al.).
Flow Sediment Interactions in Separating Flows over Befforms (S.McLean, et al.).
The role of Coherent Structures in Developing Beforms DuringSediment Transport (A. Gyr and A. Muller).
Geometrical Analysis of the Feedback Between Flow, Bedforms andSediment Transport (A. Muller and A. Gyr).
Genesis Morphology of Erosional Shapes Associated with TurbulentFlow Over a Forward-facing Step (A. Pollard, et al.).
Coherent Flow Structures in Open-channel SLot Flow (D. Keogh and P.Addison).
Mean Flow and Turbulence Structure over Fixed Ripples and theRipple-dube Transition (S. Bennett and J. Best).
Turbulent Sand Suspension Events: Fraser River, Canada (R.Kostaschuk and P. Villard).
Coherent Flow Structures in Squamish River Estuary, BritishColumbia, Canada (C. Babakaiff and E. Hickin).
Observations of Near-bed Suspended Sediment Turbulence Structuresusing Multifrequency Acoustic Backscattering (P. Thorne, etal).
Interaction Between Cellular Secondary Currents and LateralAlternate Sorting (T. Tsujimoto and T. Kitamura).
Coherent Fluctuations in a Vegetated Zone of Open-channel Flow:Causes of Bedload Lateral Transport and Sorting (T.Tsujimotto).
The Structure of River Bed Relief (A. Sidorchuk).
Some Speculations on the Relation Between Channel Morphology andChannel-scale Flow Structures (G. Parker).
The Origin and Downstream Development of Coherent Flow Structuresat Channel Junctions (S. McLelland, et al.).
Mean Structure of Transport-effective Flows at an AsymmetricalConfluence when the Main Stream is Dominant (B. Rhoads).
Secondary Flow and Channel Changes around a Bar in the BrahmaputraRiver, Bangladesh (W. Richardson, et al.).
Morphology and Stage-dependent Flow Structure in a Gravel-bed River(N. Clifford).
A Computer Model of Bank Erosion Based on Secondary Flow Simularion(A. Alabyan).
Floodplain Secondary Circulation as a Mechanism for Flow and ShearStress Redistribution in Straight Compound Channels (P.Wormleaton).
Meandering Overbank Flow Structures (B. Willetts and P.Rameshwaran).
Flow Structure in a Large-scale Model of a Doubly MeandeeringCompound River Channel (C. Naish and R. Sellin).
Linking Hydraulics, Bedload Transport and River Bed Adjustment withthe Conceptual FAST Model (P. Ergenzinger and C. de Jong).
On the Origin and Effects of Large-scale Longitudinal FlowStructures in the Outer Humber Estuary (J. Hardisty, et al.).
Incoherent Structure: Turbulence as a Metaphor for Stream Braiding(C. Paola).
Coherent Flow Structures in Smooth-wall Turbulent Boundaary Layers:Facts, Mechnaisms and Speculations (C. Smith).
Generalized Scaling of Coherent Bursting Structures in theNear-wall Region of Turbulent Flow over Smooth and Rough Boundaries(A. Grass and M. Mansour-Tehrani).
Laboratory Observations of Particlr Entrainment into Suspension byTurbulent Bursting (M. Garcia, et al.).
Transverse Spacing of Low-speed Streaks in a Channel Flow over aRough Bed (A. Defina).
A Model of an Impinging Jet on a Granular Bed, with Application toTurbulent, Event-driven Bedload Transport (A. Hogg, et al.).
Ratio of Lift and Shear Forces Over Rough Surfaces (A. Dittrich, etal.).
Scales of Turbulent Coherent Flow Structures in Gravel-bed Rivers(A. Roy, et al.).
Markov Analysis of Velocity Fluctuations in Gravel-bed Rivers (R.Ferguson, et al.).
The Application of Particle Image Velocimetry to the Study ofCoherent Flow Structures over a Stabilizing Sediment Bed (S. Tait,et al.).
Flow Sediment Interactions in Separating Flows over Befforms (S.McLean, et al.).
The role of Coherent Structures in Developing Beforms DuringSediment Transport (A. Gyr and A. Muller).
Geometrical Analysis of the Feedback Between Flow, Bedforms andSediment Transport (A. Muller and A. Gyr).
Genesis Morphology of Erosional Shapes Associated with TurbulentFlow Over a Forward-facing Step (A. Pollard, et al.).
Coherent Flow Structures in Open-channel SLot Flow (D. Keogh and P.Addison).
Mean Flow and Turbulence Structure over Fixed Ripples and theRipple-dube Transition (S. Bennett and J. Best).
Turbulent Sand Suspension Events: Fraser River, Canada (R.Kostaschuk and P. Villard).
Coherent Flow Structures in Squamish River Estuary, BritishColumbia, Canada (C. Babakaiff and E. Hickin).
Observations of Near-bed Suspended Sediment Turbulence Structuresusing Multifrequency Acoustic Backscattering (P. Thorne, etal).
Interaction Between Cellular Secondary Currents and LateralAlternate Sorting (T. Tsujimoto and T. Kitamura).
Coherent Fluctuations in a Vegetated Zone of Open-channel Flow:Causes of Bedload Lateral Transport and Sorting (T.Tsujimotto).
The Structure of River Bed Relief (A. Sidorchuk).
Some Speculations on the Relation Between Channel Morphology andChannel-scale Flow Structures (G. Parker).
The Origin and Downstream Development of Coherent Flow Structuresat Channel Junctions (S. McLelland, et al.).
Mean Structure of Transport-effective Flows at an AsymmetricalConfluence when the Main Stream is Dominant (B. Rhoads).
Secondary Flow and Channel Changes around a Bar in the BrahmaputraRiver, Bangladesh (W. Richardson, et al.).
Morphology and Stage-dependent Flow Structure in a Gravel-bed River(N. Clifford).
A Computer Model of Bank Erosion Based on Secondary Flow Simularion(A. Alabyan).
Floodplain Secondary Circulation as a Mechanism for Flow and ShearStress Redistribution in Straight Compound Channels (P.Wormleaton).
Meandering Overbank Flow Structures (B. Willetts and P.Rameshwaran).
Flow Structure in a Large-scale Model of a Doubly MeandeeringCompound River Channel (C. Naish and R. Sellin).
Linking Hydraulics, Bedload Transport and River Bed Adjustment withthe Conceptual FAST Model (P. Ergenzinger and C. de Jong).
On the Origin and Effects of Large-scale Longitudinal FlowStructures in the Outer Humber Estuary (J. Hardisty, et al.).
Incoherent Structure: Turbulence as a Metaphor for Stream Braiding(C. Paola).