Psychological Management of Individual PerformanceISBN: 978-0-471-87726-4
540 pages
April 2002
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About the Editor
About the Contributors
Series Preface
Part 1: Performance: Concept, Theory, and Predictors
Performance Concepts and Performance Theory (Sabine Sonnentag and Michael Frese)
2. Ability and Non-ability Predictors of Job Performance (Ruth Kanfer and Tracy M Kantrowitz)
3. PRACTICE CHAPTER--debis Career Development Center: Personality Scales within a Process-Oriented Development Instrument for Management High Potentials (Jurgen Deller et al)
4. Work Design and Individual Work Performance: Research Findings and an Agenda for Future Inquiry (Sharon K Parker and Nick Turner)
5. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Organizational Design and Organizational Development as a Precondition for Good Job Design and High Job Performance (Oliver Strohm)
Part 2: Assessing Performance
6. Appraisal: An Individual Psychological Perspective (Clive Fletcher)
7. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Performance Appraisal (Gesa Drewes and Bernd Runde)
8. Analysis of Performance Potential (Daniela Lohaus and Martin Kleinmann)
9. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Assessing Potential and Future Performance (Wieby Altink and Helma Verhagen)
Part 3 Enhancing Performance
10. The High Performance Cycle: Standing the Test of Time (Gary P Latham et al)
11. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Enhancing Performance through Goal-Setting and Feedback Interventions (Jen A Algera et al)
12. Enhancing Performance through Training (Beryl Hesketh and Karolina Ivancic)
13. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Enhancing Performance through Training (Brigitte Winkler)
14. Enhancing Performance through Mentoring (Terri A Scandura and Betti A Hamilton)
15. PRACTICE CHAPTER --Mentoring for World-Class Performance (James G Clawson and Douglas S Newburg)
16. Enhancing Performance through Pay and Reward Systems (Henk Thierry)
17. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Performance Measurement and Pay for Performance (Harrie F J M Tuijl et al)
18. Managing Individual Performance: A Strategic Perspective (Susan E Jackson and Randall S Schuler)
19. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Performance Improvement through Human Resource Management (Sabine Remdisch)
Part 4 Ensuring Performance in a Wider Context
20. Performance, Well-being and Self-Regulation (Sabine Sonnentag)
21. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Well-being, Stress Managment and Performance: From Analysis to Intervention (Rendel D de Jong)
22. Integrating the Linkages between Organizational Culture and Individual Outcomes at Work (Paul Tesluk et al)
23. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Organizational Culture: A Case Study (Jaap J van Muijen)
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Contributors
Series Preface
Part 1: Performance: Concept, Theory, and Predictors
Performance Concepts and Performance Theory (Sabine Sonnentag and Michael Frese)
2. Ability and Non-ability Predictors of Job Performance (Ruth Kanfer and Tracy M Kantrowitz)
3. PRACTICE CHAPTER--debis Career Development Center: Personality Scales within a Process-Oriented Development Instrument for Management High Potentials (Jurgen Deller et al)
4. Work Design and Individual Work Performance: Research Findings and an Agenda for Future Inquiry (Sharon K Parker and Nick Turner)
5. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Organizational Design and Organizational Development as a Precondition for Good Job Design and High Job Performance (Oliver Strohm)
Part 2: Assessing Performance
6. Appraisal: An Individual Psychological Perspective (Clive Fletcher)
7. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Performance Appraisal (Gesa Drewes and Bernd Runde)
8. Analysis of Performance Potential (Daniela Lohaus and Martin Kleinmann)
9. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Assessing Potential and Future Performance (Wieby Altink and Helma Verhagen)
Part 3 Enhancing Performance
10. The High Performance Cycle: Standing the Test of Time (Gary P Latham et al)
11. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Enhancing Performance through Goal-Setting and Feedback Interventions (Jen A Algera et al)
12. Enhancing Performance through Training (Beryl Hesketh and Karolina Ivancic)
13. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Enhancing Performance through Training (Brigitte Winkler)
14. Enhancing Performance through Mentoring (Terri A Scandura and Betti A Hamilton)
15. PRACTICE CHAPTER --Mentoring for World-Class Performance (James G Clawson and Douglas S Newburg)
16. Enhancing Performance through Pay and Reward Systems (Henk Thierry)
17. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Performance Measurement and Pay for Performance (Harrie F J M Tuijl et al)
18. Managing Individual Performance: A Strategic Perspective (Susan E Jackson and Randall S Schuler)
19. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Performance Improvement through Human Resource Management (Sabine Remdisch)
Part 4 Ensuring Performance in a Wider Context
20. Performance, Well-being and Self-Regulation (Sabine Sonnentag)
21. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Well-being, Stress Managment and Performance: From Analysis to Intervention (Rendel D de Jong)
22. Integrating the Linkages between Organizational Culture and Individual Outcomes at Work (Paul Tesluk et al)
23. PRACTICE CHAPTER--Organizational Culture: A Case Study (Jaap J van Muijen)
Author Index
Subject Index