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Mass Spectra of Androgenes, Estrogens and other Steroids 2005 (Multiformat)

ISBN: 978-0-471-74893-9
October 2005
List Price: US $6,675.00
Government Price: US $4,272.00
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Mass Spectra of Androgenes, Estrogens and other Steroids 2005 (Multiformat)  (0471748935) cover image

The collection contains 2,979 EI mass spectra of androgens and estrogens and their trimethylsily-, O-methoxyoxime- and acetal derivatives. Each spectrum is accompanied by the structure and trivial name, molecular formula, molecular weight, nominal mass and base peak. All spectra of androgens and estrogens have been obtained on the same mass spectrometer under identical conditions.
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