Miniature Schnauzer: Your Happy Healthy Pet, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-0-471-74828-1
144 pages
January 2006
![]() This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.
Chapter 1: What Is a Miniature Schnauzer?
A Small, Versatile Terrier.
The Ideal Miniature Schnauzer.
Chapter 2: The Miniature Schnauzer’s History.
Developing the Miniature.
The Move to America.
Gaining Admirers.
Chapter 3: Why Choose a Miniature Schnauzer?
Is a Mini Right for You?
Understanding Natural Instincts.
Chapter 4: Choosing Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Buying from a Breeder.
Adopting from a Rescue Group.
Puppy, Adolescent, or Adult?
To Show or Not to Show?
Part II: Caring for Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Chapter 5: Bringing Home Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Shopping for Your Dog.
Mini Schnauzer Essentials.
Choosing and Using a Pet Carrier.
Puppy-Proofing Your Home.
Finding a Veterinarian.
Chapter 6: Feeding Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Choosing a Dog Food.
Reading Dog Food Labels.
Choose an Eating Area.
Stick to a Schedule.
How Much to Feed Your Mini Schnauzer.
Avoid Bad Table Manners.
Chapter 7: Grooming Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Grooming Equipment.
Training Your Puppy to Like Grooming.
Eye Care.
Teeth and Gums.
Nail Clipping Tips.
Tending to the Ears.
Coat Care.
Preventing Fleas and Ticks.
Making Your Environment Flea Free.
The Bath.
Chapter 8: Keeping Your Miniature Schnauzer Safe and Healthy.
Inherited Diseases.
Internal Parasites.
Common Problems.
When to Call the Veterinarian.
How to Make a Canine First-Aid Kit.
Part III: Enjoying Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Chapter 9: Training Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Understanding Builds the Bond.
Practical Commands for Family Pets.
Training for Attention.
Teaching Cooperation.
Chapter 10: Housetraining Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Your Housetraining Shopping List.
The First Day.
Confine Your Pup.
Watch Your Pup.
Accidents Happen.
Scheduling Basics.
Appendix: Learning More About Your Miniature Schnauzer.
Some Good Books.
Clubs and Registries.
Web Sites.