Subsurface HydrologyISBN: 978-0-471-74243-2
488 pages
October 2006
![]() Other Available Formats: E-book
GEORGE F. PINDER, PhD, is Director of the Research Center
for Groundwater Remediation Design and Professor of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science at the
University of Vermont. He has published many important articles and
books, including Groundwater Modeling Using Geographical
Information Systems (Wiley). Dr. Pinder's research focuses on
the development and application of applied mathematics, especially
numerical mathematics, to solve groundwater contamination and
supply problems using computers.
MICHAEL A. CELIA, PhD, is Professor and Chair in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. Dr. Celia conducts research in the areas of groundwater hydrology, numerical modeling, contaminant transport simulation, and multiphase flow physics.