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How to Sell to an Idiot: 12 Steps to Selling Anything to Anyone

ISBN: 978-0-471-71854-3
224 pages
January 2006
List Price: US $18.00
Government Price: US $9.18
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How to Sell to an Idiot: 12 Steps to Selling Anything to Anyone (0471718548) cover image
Other Available Formats: E-book

About the Authors.



1 Step One: Be Prepared or Be the Idiot.

Need and Intent.

Mental Preparation Made Simple (or Mental Prep for the Simple).

Choosing In: The Cure for Cluelessness.

Simple versus Easy: The Inner Idiot Rears Its Ugly Head.

Preparation and Passion.

Preparation and Product Knowledge.

Preparation and the Written Plan.

Planning Is Not Procrastination.

Preparation and Motivation.

Preparation and Personality.

Chapter One Summary.

2 Step Two: Connect with the Clueless.


Your Story.

Your i-Customer’s Story.

Who versus What.

Personality is Job One.

Components of Connection.

A New Skill Called Connecting.

The Great Balancing Act.

Takers versus Exchangers.

Chapter Two Summary.

3 Step Three: Confuse to Clarify.

Confusion as a Tool.

Surgical Questions.

The Right Questions Trump the Right Answers.

Set the Stage and Play the Part.

From the Mouths of Babes.

Personality-Based Questions.

Big Success Comes from Small Steps.

Chapter Three Summary.

4 Step Four: Play the Match Game.

Put it in Reverse.

Bring it Home.

Matching Means More Selling, Less Talking.

The Next Step.

More Lessons from Children.

The Match Game and Personalities.

Chapter Four Summary.

5 Step Five: Showtime.

Entertainment versus Boredom.

Entertainment versus Filling Needs.

Be Energized.

Razzle-Dazzle Them.

Presenting in Style.

Presenting with Structure.

Presenting with Technology.


More Lessons from Children.

Personality-Based Entertainment.

Chapter Five Summary.

6 Step Six: Ask for the Business.


Asking is Action.

Ask with Confidence.

Let Go of the Outcome.

The Secret to Closing.

The ABCs of Listening.

More Lessons from Children.

Personality-Based Asking.

Chapter Six Summary.

7 Step Seven: Circle Around and Make Another Pass.

Get Out There and Fail.

Learn to Love the Lessons.

Turnaround Questions.


Don’t Be the Monkey.

More Lessons from Children.

Personality-Based Objections.

Chapter Seven Summary.

8 Step Eight: Annoy Them a Little and Ask for the Business, Again.

Teaching the Customer How to Buy.

Failure Is Your Friend.

Pesky Persistence.


It’s in the Cards.

More Lessons from “Never, Never, Never”-land.

Personality-Based Annoyance.

Chapter Eight Summary.

9 Step Nine: Appreciate.

The Selling Cycle.

Make it Memorable.

The Battle for Mind Share.

The Present.

More Lessons from Children.

Personality-Based Appreciation.

Chapter Nine Summary.

10 Step Ten: Get a Referral.

Fear Not.

Build Champions.

Get Some Help.

Get Them Talking.

Get an “A” for Asking.

More Lessons from Children.

Personality-Based Referrals.

Chapter Ten Summary.

11 Step Eleven: Follow-Up.

No Competition.

We Have Seen the Competition and It Is Us.

Put Follow Up into Your Mix.

Time Has Nothing to Do with It.

Pre-Sale, Pre-Delivery, Post-Delivery Follow-Up.

It’s Research.


More Lessons from Children.

Personality-Based Follow-Up.

Chapter Eleven Summary.

12 Step Twelve: Practice.

Don’t Succeed at Being Average.

Be Impatient.

Perfect Practice.

Dangers of Perfection.

Caring Equals Change.

Flat Tires Need Changing.

What are Friends For?

Final Lessons from Children.

Personality-Based Practice.

Chapter Twelve Summary.


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