Social Work in Mental Health: An Evidence-Based ApproachISBN: 978-0-471-69304-8
624 pages
January 2007, ©2007
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BRUCE A. THYER, PHD, is a Professor of Social Work at
Florida State University. His research has focused on
evidence-based practice, evaluation research, behavior analysis,
social work theory, and clinical social work. He has cowritten or
coauthored over twenty books, including, most recently, A Social
Worker's Guide to Evaluating Practice Outcomes, Program Evaluation:
An Introduction, Fourth Edition, and International Perspectives on
Evidence-based Practice in Social Work.
JOHN S. WODARSKI, PHD,is Director of Research and Professor of Social Work at the University of Tennessee. He has coedited or coauthored over twenty books, including the Handbook of Violence, Essentials of Child Welfare, and The Social Work and Human Services Treatment Planner, all published by Wiley.