The Experimental Determination of SolubilitiesISBN: 978-0-471-49708-0
660 pages
August 2003
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List of Contributors xi
Series Preface xv
Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xxi
List of Symbols xxiii
Quantities, Units and Conversions 1
John W. Lorimer
1. Quantities and Units Used to Describe Solubility 2
2. Quantities and Units Used to Describe Solubilities of Gases 6
3. References 14
1 Fundamentals of Solubility 17
Chapter 1.1 Thermodynamics of Solubility 19
John W. Lorimer and Roger Cohen-Adad
1. Introduction 19
2. Basic Definitions in Thermodynamics of Solubility 19
3. Thermodynamics of Solubility 22
4. Solubility of Gases in Liquids 26
5. Solubility of Liquids in Liquids 41
6. Solubility of Solids in Liquids 50
7. Concluding Remarks 62
8. References 62
Appendix A: Some Useful Thermodynamic Concepts and Relations 70
Appendix B: Numerical and Statistical Procedures in Constructing Fitting Equations 74
Chapter 1.2 Kinetics and Mechanisms of Crystal Growth and Dissolution 77
Jørgen Christoffersen and Margaret R. Christoffersen
1. Introduction 77
2. Fundamental Concepts 77
3. Mechanisms and Rate Expressions for Dissolution and Growth 81
4. Comparison of Dissolution and Precipitation Kinetics 93
5. Kinetics of Approach to Equilibrium 93
6. Summary of Rate-determining Mechanisms 95
7. Acknowledgement 95
8. References 96
2 Gases 99
Chapter 2.1 Solubility of Gases in Liquids 101
H. Lawrence Clever and Rubin Battino
1. Introduction 101
2. Quantities Used as a Measure of Gas Solubility 102
3. The Solution Components 107
4. Degassing The Solvent 108
5. Experimental Methods 110
6. Related Experiments that Complement Gas Solubility Data 130
7. Treatment of Data 132
8. Standards 137
9. Summary and Recommendations 144
10. References 145
Chapter 2.2 Solubility of Gases in Polymers 151
Y uri Y ampolski and Russell Paterson
1. Introduction 151
2. Manometric Methods 152
3. Gravimetric Methods 156
4. Inverse Gas Chromatography 160
5. Miscellaneous 165
6. Conclusions 167
7. References 168
Chapter 2.3 Solubility of Gases in Molten Salts and Molten Metals 173
Reginald P.T. Tomkins
1. Solubility of Gases in Molten Salts 173
2. Solubility of Gases in Molten Metals 203
3. References 215
Chapter 2.4 Solubility of Gases in Solid Metals 219
Y Sakamoto and F. A. Lewis
1. Sieverts Method 220
2. Equilibrate.Quench.Analyze Method 222
3. Gravimetric Method 224
4. Changes of Lattice Parameters and Electrical Resistivity Due to Dissolved Hydrogen in Metals 225
5. Determination of Changes of Hydrogen Solubilities from Measurements of Electrode Potential Under Conditions of Controlled Electolyte Stirring 228
6. References 232
3 Liquids 235
Chapter 3 Liquid–Liquid Solubilities 237
Glenn T. Hefter
1. Introduction 237
2. The Synthetic Method 238
3. The Analytical Method 244
4. Miscellaneous Methods 249
5. Sample Purity 253
6. Test Systems 253
7. References 254
4 Solids 257
Chapter 4.1 Solubility of Solids in Liquids 259
Roger Cohen-Adad and Marie-Thérèse Cohen Adad
1. General Review of Methods 259
2. Analytical Methods 264
3. Synthetic Methods 277
4. Combinatorial. Methods 306
5. Summary of Experimental Difficulties 309
6. References 311
Chapter 4.2 Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Ionic Solids in Liquids 315
Heinz Gamsjger and Erich Königsberger
1. Introduction 315
2. Fundamentals and Applications of Solubility Measurements 316
3. The Experimental Determination of Solubilities of Sparingly Soluble Compounds 331
4. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 351
5. References 353
Chapter 4.3 Solubility of Salt–Water Systems at High Temperatures and Pressures 359
Vladimir M. Valyashko and B.R. Churagulov
1. Introduction 359
2. Phase Diagram Construction (Theory) 361
3. Methods and Equipment for Studying Phase Equilibria in Aqueous Systems at High Pressures and Temperatures 387
4. References 427
Chapter 4.4 Solubility of Metals and Non-metallic Substances in Liquid Metals 437
Cezary Guminski and Hans U. Borgstedt
1. Methods Based on Phase Separation 437
2. Methods Without Separation of the Solute from the Saturated Solution 448
3. Indirect Methods 465
4. Solubility Determinations of Metals and Non-metals in Solid Metals 469
5. References 469
Chapter 4.5 Solubility of Solids in Solids 477
James Sangster
1. Introduction 477
2. The Equilibrium Phase Diagram 477
3. Thermal Analysis 479
4. Quenching Followed by Analysis 485
5. X-Ray Examination 486
6. Ionic Conductivity 486
7. Interdiffusion 487
8. Other Methods 487
9. References 489
5 Special Systems 491
Chapter 5.1 Solubility of Solids and Liquids in Supercritical Fluids 493
Karel Aim and Maurizio Fermeglia
1. Introduction 493
2. Basic Equations and Nomenclature 496
3. Experimental Determination of Solubilities in Dense Gases 498
4. Static Methods 504
5. Recirculation Methods 515
6. Flow Methods 522
7. Saturation (Transpiration) Methods 528
8. Dew- and Bubble-point Methods 534
9. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography 538
10. References 541
Chapter 5.2 Solubility of Solids and Liquids in Cryogenic Liquids 557
Elzbieta Szczepaniec-Cieciak
1. Introduction 557
2. Experimental Techniques for the Determination of Solid.Liquid (S.L) and Solid.Liquid.Vapor (S.L.V) Equilibria in Cryogenic Systems 565
3. Concluding Remarks 584
4. References 586
Chapter 5.3 Solubility of Polymers in Liquids 595
Sonja Krause
1. Sample Problems 596
2. Kinetic Problems 600
3. Phase Diagrams 601
4. Methods 605
5. References 615
Index 617