Forecasting the Environmental Fate and Effects of ChemicalsISBN: 978-0-471-49179-8
300 pages
May 2001
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List of Contributors.
Introduction (M. Crane, et al.).
Limits to Forecasting in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (M. Crane).
Uncertainty in Toxicological Predictions: The Bayesian Approach to Statistics (A. O'Hagan).
Improving Inferential Strength of Exposure and Effect Forecasting: Working Outside the Box (M. Newman & M. Roberts).
Linking Pollutant Transport, Environmental Forecasting and Risk Assessment: Case Studies from the Geosphere (S. Pollard & R. Duarte-Davidson).
The EU-TGD for New and Existing Substances: Does it Predict Risk? (T. Jager & J. de Bruijn).
Can a Substance-Specific Chemical Approach Forecast the Toxicity of Effluents? (M. Tonkes).
Forecasting the Environmental Effects of Zinc, the Metal of Benign Neglect in Soil Ecotoxicology (S. Hopkin & D. Spurgeon).
Forecasting in an Uncertain World: Managing Risks or Risky Management? (D. Santillo, et al.).
Modelling of Toxicity to the Ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis: The Aliphatic Carbonyl Domain (M. Cronin, et al.).
Application of a Transgenic Stress-Inducible Nematode to Soil Biomonitoring (R. Power & D. de Pomerai).
Can Animal Behaviour Predict Population Level Effects? (E. Baatrup, et al.).
Forecasting Effects of Toxicants at the Community Level: Four Case Studies
Comparing Observed Community Effects of Zinc with Forecasts from a Generic
Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment Method (L. Posthuma, et al.).
Prediction of Sediment Quality in the Dutch Coastal Zone: Model Validation and Uncertainty Analysis for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, PCBs and PAHs (H. Sonneveldt & R. Laane).
Biomonitoring of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Trace Metal Bioavailabilities in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong, Using Barnacles and Mussels (G. Blackmore & P. Rainbow).
Author Index.
Species Index.
Subject Index.
Introduction (M. Crane, et al.).
Limits to Forecasting in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (M. Crane).
Uncertainty in Toxicological Predictions: The Bayesian Approach to Statistics (A. O'Hagan).
Improving Inferential Strength of Exposure and Effect Forecasting: Working Outside the Box (M. Newman & M. Roberts).
Linking Pollutant Transport, Environmental Forecasting and Risk Assessment: Case Studies from the Geosphere (S. Pollard & R. Duarte-Davidson).
The EU-TGD for New and Existing Substances: Does it Predict Risk? (T. Jager & J. de Bruijn).
Can a Substance-Specific Chemical Approach Forecast the Toxicity of Effluents? (M. Tonkes).
Forecasting the Environmental Effects of Zinc, the Metal of Benign Neglect in Soil Ecotoxicology (S. Hopkin & D. Spurgeon).
Forecasting in an Uncertain World: Managing Risks or Risky Management? (D. Santillo, et al.).
Modelling of Toxicity to the Ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis: The Aliphatic Carbonyl Domain (M. Cronin, et al.).
Application of a Transgenic Stress-Inducible Nematode to Soil Biomonitoring (R. Power & D. de Pomerai).
Can Animal Behaviour Predict Population Level Effects? (E. Baatrup, et al.).
Forecasting Effects of Toxicants at the Community Level: Four Case Studies
Comparing Observed Community Effects of Zinc with Forecasts from a Generic
Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment Method (L. Posthuma, et al.).
Prediction of Sediment Quality in the Dutch Coastal Zone: Model Validation and Uncertainty Analysis for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, PCBs and PAHs (H. Sonneveldt & R. Laane).
Biomonitoring of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Trace Metal Bioavailabilities in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong, Using Barnacles and Mussels (G. Blackmore & P. Rainbow).
Author Index.
Species Index.
Subject Index.