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101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment: Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway

ISBN: 978-0-471-43046-9
272 pages
April 2003
List Price: US $23.95
Government Price: US $12.21
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Historical Outperformance.

No Losses for Shareholders.

Low Cost, Almost No Cost.

Proven Public Record.

Owner’s Manual.

Unique Annual Meeting.

No Dividend.

No Taxes.

Chairman’s Age.

Acts Like a Mutual Fund.

Unique Charity Program.

Chairman’s Letter and Plain Annual Report.

Bridge over Troubled Water or Buffett’s Theory of Relativity.

Buffett Discount.

Loyal Shareholders.

Owner Managed.

Stable Portfolio.

No Tech Exposure.

Asset Protection.

Reduces Investing Mistakes.

Easy Gift/Estate Transfer.

Small Shareholder Group.

Business Ownership and Time.

International Exposure.

No Stock Splits.

Shareholder Discounts.

Ownership Defined.

Merger/Acquisition Incentives.

Investing with a Higher Purpose.

Book Value per Share.

Equal Opportunity Investment.

Joining a Winner.

Billionaire Maker.

Preserves Family Wealth.

Salary and Ownership Disclosure.

Highest Price.

Lowers Shareholder Expectations but Delivers Higher Returns.

Omaha Based.

Berkshire’s Relative Results as Compared to the NASDAQ.

Low Institutional Ownership.

Trumpets Investment Errors.

Not Included in S&P 500 Index.

No Tax Return.

Welcomes Small Shareholder.

Buy 1 Stock and Get 100 Companies.

Wealth Measurement Index Member.

Indefensible Becomes Defensible.

Largest Acquisition Its Best.

Free Use of Money.

Truth in Advertising.

A New Retirement Perspective.

Unknown, Misunderstood Corporation.

Chairman’s Minimalist Life-style.

Rich Balance Sheet.

Lazy Investor Approach.

Berkshire Post Buffett.

Never Broker Recommended.

Life Lessons.

Add Zero Every Eight and One-half Years.

Bear Market Tank.

Creative Trust Management.

Margin for Life-style.

Acquirer of Choice.


Deferred Taxes.

No Earnings Dilution.

Chairman’s Character.

Six Sigma.

Decade Trader.

Small Headquarters.


Eliminates Choices.

Undervalued Stock.

Chairman’s Mortality.


Quick Inoculation.

Attracts Like Minds.


It’s More Than What You Read.


Value Investing.

Very Rare Talent.

Inefficient Market Theory.

Turn Off the Noise.

Capital Allocation.

Intelligent Investing.

Peaceful Night’s Sleep.

Independent Thought.

World’s Largest Foundation.

Active Mind.

Always Good Surprises.

For Owners Only.

Creative Tax-free Dividends.

Perpetual Gift.

No Gimmicks.

Value Added.

Financial Education (Part 1).

Financial Education (Part 2).

Investment Model (Part 1).

Investment Model (Part 2).

For All Seasons.

State of Mind.



Appendix I: Twenty-five Questions Every Wise Investor Should Ask.

Appendix II: Twenty Investment Punches.

Appendix III: Eight Ways We Become Investment Victims.

Appendix IV: Investment Beliefs and Philosophies.

Appendix V: Recommmended Free Web Sites.

Appendix VI: Recommended Berkshire Hathaway-Related Books and Web Sites.

Appendix VII: Copyright Notice.

Appendix VIII: Berkshire Hathaway's Owner's Manual.

Appendix IX:  Business Activities.

Appendix X: Common Stock.

Appendix XI: Shareholder-designated Contributions.

Appendix XII: Contributions Program Commonly Asked Questions.

Appendix XIII: Acquisition Criteria.

Appendix XIV: Other Information about Berkshire.

Appendix XV: Answers To #45, Buy 1 Stock Get 100 Companies.

Appendix XVI: Berkshire (Class A) Year-end Closing Prices.

Appendix XVII: A Very Personal Experience.

About the Author.


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