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Meeting the Fox: The Allied Invasion of Africa, from Operation Torch to Kasserine Pass to Victory in Tunisia

ISBN: 978-0-471-41429-2
400 pages
April 2002
List Price: US $40.00
Government Price: US $20.39
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"Orr Kelly has dramatically brought to life the desert war bymasterfully weaving the view of higher headquarters with the pathosof the foxhole. MEETING THE FOX takes the reader on a grippingjourney from North Africa's beaches and drop zones, the practicallyforgotten disaster at Sidi bou Zid, to the final battles inTunisia. MEETING THE FOX is destined to rank among the bestnarrative histories on the American experience in North Africa."
(Patrick O'Donnell, author of Beyond Valor and Into The RisingSun: In Their Own Words, World War II's Pacific Veterans Reveal theHeart of Combat)

"An almost bullet by bullet, shell by shell account, Meeting theFox offers riveting personal experiences from those who fought theAxis forces during the desperate campaign for North Africa."
(Gerald Astor, Historian, Author of A Blood-Dimmed Tide and TheGreatest War Vols. I-III)

"Orr Kelly has dramatically brought to life the desert war by masterfully weaving the view of higher headquarters with the pathos of the foxhole. MEETING THE FOX takes the reader on a gripping journey from North Africa's beaches and drop zones, the practically forgotten disaster at Sidi bou Zid, to the final battles in Tunisia. MEETING THE FOX is destined to rank among the best narrative histories on the American experience in North Africa."
(Patrick O'Donnell, author of Beyond Valor and Into The Rising Sun: In Their Own Words, World War II's Pacific Veterans Reveal the Heart of Combat)

"An almost bullet by bullet, shell by shell account, Meeting the Fox offers riveting personal experiences from those who fought the Axis forces during the desperate campaign for North Africa."
(Gerald Astor, Historian, Author of A Blood-Dimmed Tide and The Greatest War Vols. I-III)

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