Taguchi's Quality Engineering HandbookISBN: 978-0-471-41334-9
1696 pages
November 2004
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GENICHI TAGUCHI, DSc, is Executive Director of the AmericanSupplier Institute (ASI). Dr. Taguchi, an international authorityin quality engineering, was awarded the prestigious Deming Prize in1960 and the Willard F. Rockwell Medal in 1986. He was inductedinto the World Level of the Hall of Fame for Engineering, Science,and Technology in 1998, and the Automotive Hall of Fame in 1997. Heauthored or coauthored forty books and more than 400 technicalarticles in leading journals.
SUBIR CHOWDHURY, DEng, is Chairman and CEO of ASIConsulting Group. He is one of the world's foremost authorities inhelping leaders achieve positive and measurable results in businessprocess improvement. He has been awarded the Willard F. RockwellMedal and was inducted into the World Level of the Hall of Fame forEngineering, Science, and Technology in 2004. Hailed by the NewYork Times as the "Leading Quality Expert," he is the author ofeleven books, including The Power of Six Sigma, which hassold more than a million copies and has been translated into twentylanguages.
The late YUIN WU was executive director of ASI. He pennedthe first English (and Chinese) translations of Taguchi's work, andis credited with conducting the first Taguchi Methods experimentsin the United States while working with private industry inCalifornia. He was active as a consultant in North America as wellas many countries in Europe, South America, and Asia. He was theauthor of several books and hundreds of technical papers.
SUBIR CHOWDHURY, DEng, is Chairman and CEO of ASIConsulting Group. He is one of the world's foremost authorities inhelping leaders achieve positive and measurable results in businessprocess improvement. He has been awarded the Willard F. RockwellMedal and was inducted into the World Level of the Hall of Fame forEngineering, Science, and Technology in 2004. Hailed by the NewYork Times as the "Leading Quality Expert," he is the author ofeleven books, including The Power of Six Sigma, which hassold more than a million copies and has been translated into twentylanguages.
The late YUIN WU was executive director of ASI. He pennedthe first English (and Chinese) translations of Taguchi's work, andis credited with conducting the first Taguchi Methods experimentsin the United States while working with private industry inCalifornia. He was active as a consultant in North America as wellas many countries in Europe, South America, and Asia. He was theauthor of several books and hundreds of technical papers.