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Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Volume 5, Edible Oil and Fat Products: Processing Technologies, 6th Edition

ISBN: 978-0-471-38548-6
656 pages
April 2005
List Price: US $506.50
Government Price: US $350.04
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Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Volume 5, Edible Oil and Fat Products: Processing Technologies, 6th Edition (0471385484) cover image
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Volume 1: Edible Oil and Fat Products: Chemistry, Properties, and Health Effects.

Volume 2: Edible Oil and Fat Products: Edible Oils.

Volume 3: Edible Oil and Fat Products: Specialty Oils and Oil Products.

Volume 4: Edible Oil and Fat Products: Products and Applications.

Volume 5: Edible Oil and Fat Products: Processing Technologies.

Volume 6: Industrial and Nonedible Products From Oils and Fats.

Cumulative Index.
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