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Visual Data Mining: Techniques and Tools for Data Visualization and Mining

ISBN: 978-0-471-14999-6
424 pages
May 2002
Visual Data Mining: Techniques and Tools for Data Visualization and Mining (0471149993) cover image
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Acknowledgments xv

About the Authors xvii

Trademarks xix

Introduction xxi

Part One Introduction and Project Planning Phase 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to Data Visualization and Visual Data Mining 3

Visualization Data Sets 5

Visualization Data Types 6

Visual versus Data Dimensions 7

Data Visualization Tools 8

Multidimensional Data Visualization Tools 8

Column and Bar Graphs 10

Distribution and Histogram Graphs 10

Box Graphs 12

Line Graphs 14

Scatter Graphs 16

Pie Graphs 17

Hierarchical and Landscape Data Visualization Tools 19

Tree Visualizations 19

Map Visualizations 20

Visual Data Mining Tools 21

Summary 23

Chapter 2 Step 1: Justifying and Planning the Data Visualization and Data Mining Project 25

Classes of Projects 26

Project Justifications 27

Dayton Hudson Corp. Success Story 29

Marketing Dynamics Success Story 29

Sprint Success Story 30

Lowestfare.com Success Story 30

Challenges to Visual Data Mining 31

Data Visualization, Analysis, and Statistics are Meaningless 31

Why Are the Predictions Not 100 Percent Accurate? 31

Our Data Can’t Be Visualized or Mined 32

Closed-Loop Business Model 32

Using the Closed-Loop Business Model 34

Project Timeline 36

Project Resources and Roles 36

Data and Business Analyst Team 38

Domain Expert Team 38

Decision Maker Team 40

Operations Team 41

Data Warehousing Team 42

Project Justification and Plan for the Case Study 44

Summary 48

Chapter 3 Step 2: Identifying the Top Business Questions 49

Choosing the Top Business Questions 49

Problems Data Mining Does Not Address 50

Data Visualization Problem Definitions 51

Multidimensional or Comparative Visualization Problem Definitions 51

Geographic or Spatial Data Visualization Problem Definitions 52

Visual Data Mining Problem Definitions 52

Classification Data Mining Problem Definitions 53

Estimation Data Mining Problem Definitions 54

Association Grouping Data Mining Problem Definitions 54

Clustering and Segmentation Data Mining Problem Definitions 54

Prediction Data Mining Problem Definitions 55

Which Data Mining Techniques Can Address a Business Issue? 55

Mapping the ROI Targets 57

Determining the Visualization and Data Mining Analysis Goals and Success Criteria 59

Problem and Objective Definitions for the Case Study 61

Summary 63

Part Two Data Preparation Phase 65

Chapter 4 Step 3: Choosing the Business Data Set 67

Identifying the Operational Data 68

Exploratory Data Mart 69

Business Data Sets 71

Data Types 74

Experimental Unit 74

Surveying Discrete and Continuous Columns with Visualizations 75

Selecting Columns from the Operational Data Sources 79

Encoded Data Dimensions 80

Data Dimension Consistency 82

Business Rule Consistency 82

Unique Columns 82

Duplicate Columns 83

Correlated Columns 84

Insignificant Columns 84

Developing and Documenting the ECTL Procedures 85

Data Cleaning 87

Techniques for Handling Data Noise, NULLs, and Missing Values 89

Handling NULLs 91

Sampling the Operational Data Sources 92

Avoiding Biased Sampling 94

Available ECTL Tools 96

Documenting the ECTL Procedures 97

Choosing the Business Data Set for the Case Study 98

Identifying the Operational Data Sources 100

ECTL Processing of the Customer File 102

Documenting ECTL Procedure for the Customer File 108

ECTL Processing of the Contract File 109

Documenting ECTL Procedure for the Contact File 113

ECTL Processing of the Invoice File 113

Documenting ECTL Procedure for the Invoice File 118

ECTL Processing of the Demographic File 118

Documenting ECTL Procedure for the Demographic File 122

Creating the Production Business Data Set 123

Review of the ECTL Procedures for the Case Study 126

Summary 127

Chapter 5 Step 4: Transforming the Business Data Set 129

Types of Logical Transformations 130

Table-Level Logical Transformations 131

Transforming Weighted Data Sets 132

Transforming Column Weights 133

Transforming Record Weights 135

Transforming Time Series Data Sets 137

Aggregating the Data Sets 140

Filtering Data Sets 142

Column-Level Logical Transformations 143

Simple Column Transformations 144

Column Grouping Transformations 146

Documenting the Logical Transformations 151

Logically Transforming the Business Data Set for the Customer Retention VDM Case Study 154

Logically Transforming the customer_join Business Data Set 156

Documenting the Logical Transformations for the Business Data Set customer_join 163

Logically Transforming the customer_demographic Business Data Set 164

Documenting the Logical Transformations for the Business Data Set customer_demographic 168

Review of the Logical Transformation Procedures for the Case Study 168

Summary 169

Chapter 6 Step 5: Verify the Business Data Set 171

Verification Process 172

Verifying the Integrity of the Data Preparation Operations 173

Discrete Column Verification Techniques 174

Continuous Column Verification Techniques 178

Verifying Common ECTL Data Preparation Operations 180

Verifying the Logic of the Data Preparation Operations 181

Verifying Common Logical Transformation Operations 181

Data Profiling Tools 187

Verifying the Data Set for the Case Study 189

Verifying the ECTL Procedures 191

Verifying the ECTL Data Preparation Step for the Customer Table 191

Verifying the ECTL Data Preparation Step for the Contract Table 197

Verifying the ECTL Data Preparation Step for the Invoice Table 197

Verifying the ECTL Data Preparation Step for the Demographic Table 199

Verifying the Logical Transformations 199

Summary 201

Part Three Data Analysis Phase and Beyond 203

Chapter 7 Step 6: Choosing the Visualization or Visual Mining Tool 205

Choosing the Right Data Visualization Tool 206

Multidimensional Visualizations 208

Column and Bar Graphs 208

Area, Line, High-Low-Close, and Radar Graphs 216

Histogram, Distribution, Pie, and Doughnut Graphs 219

Scatter Graphs 220

Specialized Landscape and Hierarchical Visualizations 221

Map Graphs 222

Tree Graphs 222

Choosing the Right Data Mining Tool 225

Which Subset of the Available Tools Is Applicable? 225

Business Questions to Address 225

How Is the Model to Be Used? 227

Supervised and Unsupervised Learning 227

Supervised Learning Tools 228

Decision Trees and Rule Set Models 228

Neural Network Models for Classification 230

Linear Regression Models 231

Logistic Regression 232

Unsupervised Learning Tools 233

Association Rules 233

K-Means and Clustering 234

Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps 235

Tools to Solve Typical Problems 236

Which of the Applicable Tools Are Best for My Situation? 236

How the Different Techniques Handle Data Types 240

Choosing the Visualization or Mining Tool for the Case Study 242

Choosing the Data Visualization Tools 243

Choosing the Data Mining Tools 248

Tuning the Data Mining Tool Selection 248

Summary 250

Chapter 8 Step 7: Analyzing the Visualization or Mining Tool 253

Analyzing the Data Visualizations 254

Using Frequency Graphs to Discover and Evaluate Key Business Indicators 254

Using Pareto Graphs to Discover and Evaluate the Importance of Key Business Indicators 262

Using Radar Graphs to Spot Seasonal Trends and Problem Areas 265

Using Line Graphs to Analyze Time Relationships 268

Using Scatter Graphs to Evaluate Cause-and-Effect Relationships 270

Analyzing the Data Mining Models 276

Visualizations to Understand the Performance of the Core Data Mining Tasks 276

Classification 276

Estimation 283

Association Grouping 284

Clustering and Segmenting 284

Using Visualization to Understand and Evaluate Supervised Learning Models 288

Decision Trees 288

Neural Networks 290

Uses of Visualizations after Model Deployment 290

Analyzing the Visualization or Mining Tools for the Case Study 291

Using Frequency Graphs with Trend Lines to Analyze Time Relationships 294

Using Pareto Graphs to Discover and Evaluate the Importance of Key Business Indicators 295

Using Scatter Graphs to Evaluate Cause-and-Effect Relationships 296

Using Data Mining Tools to Gain an Insight into Churn 299

Profiling the Ones That Got Away 299

Trying to Predict the Defectors 305

Explaining Why People Leave 309

Predicting When People Will Leave 312

Summary 315

Chapter 9 Step 8: Verifying and Presenting the Visualizations or Mining Models 317

Verifying the Data Visualizations and Mining Models 318

Verifying Logical Transformations to the Business Data Set 318

Verifying Your Business Assumptions 319

Organizing and Creating the Business Presentation 320

Parts of the Business Presentation 320

Description of the VDM Project Goals 321

Highlights of the Discoveries and Data Mining Models 321

Call to Action 324

VDM Project Implementation Phase 326

Create Action Plan 327

Approve Action Plan 327

Implement Action Plan 327

Measure the Results 328

Verifying and Presenting the Analysis for the Case Study 329

Verifying Logical Transformations to the Business Data Set 329

Verifying the Business Assumptions 330

The Business Presentation 331

Customer Retention Project Goals and Objectives 331

Highlights of the Discoveries 332

Call to Action 334

Summary 337

Chapter 10 The Future of Visual Data Mining 339

The Project Planning Phase 339

The Data Preparation Phase 341

The Data Analysis Phase 347

Trends in Commercial Visual Data Mining Software 350

More Chart Types and User-Defined Layouts 351

Dynamic Visualizations That Allow User Interaction 353

Size and Complexity of Data Structures Visualized 354

Standards That Allow Exchanges between Tools 354

Summary 355

Glossary 357

References 363

Index 365

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