Automating SharePoint 2010 with Windows PowerShell 2.0ISBN: 978-0-470-93920-8
768 pages
June 2011
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.
Chapter | Page | Details | Date | Print Run |
3 | 91 | Text correction: Error in Code Listing 3.1: SPModule.psd1 The Import-Module cmdlet in the paragraph at the bottom of the page: PS C:\Scripts> Import-Module .\Build-SPFarm.psd1 Should read: PS C:\Scripts> Import-Module .\SPModule.psd1 |
7/20/11 | 1st |
3 | 94 | Text correction: Error in function with trap statement The fourth-to-last line of code in the Build-SPFarm function: Write-Host "Join Farm complete" should read: Write-Host "Create Farm complete" |
7/20/11 | 1st |
3 | 95 | Text correction: Error in discussion of functions with trap statements The second sentence of the first paragraph after the code block, "Also notice that the 'Join farm complete' message was not displayed..." should read: "Also notice that the 'Connect to Farm complete' message was not displayed..." |
7/20/11 | 1st |
3 | 98, 99 | Text correction: Error in function with Try/Catch/Finally block The Write-Host statement appearing in the blocks of code on pp 98 and 99: Write-Host "Join Farm complete" Should read: Write-Host "Create Farm complete" |
7/20/11 | 1st |
4 | 122 | Text correction: Error in code The fifth line in the second block of code on the page, -ArgumentList "/config $configPath" ` contains an error. It should read -ArgumentList "/config `"$configPath`"" `, so that $configPath has `" before and after it. |
7/20/11 | 1st |