Advances in Electroceramic Materials IIISBN: 978-0-470-92716-8
276 pages
August 2010
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Design, Synthesis and Properties.
Barium Titanate Stannate Functionally Graded Materials: Choosing of the Ti/Sn Concentration Gradient and the Influence of the Gradient on Electrical Properties (S. Markovic and D. Uskokovic).
Barium Titanate and Cobalt Ferrite Nano-Particles Decorated SiCN/MWCNT Nanotubes: Synthesis and Microstructural Characterization (Vishwas Bedekar, Gurpreet Singh, Roop Mahajan, and Shashank Priya).
Synthesis, Structural and Electrical Properties of the Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3–K0.5Bi0.5TiO3 Ceramic System (Jakob König, Mojca Otonicar, Sreco D. Skapin, and Danilo Suvorov).
Improvement of Electric Properties of (K,Na)NbO3 and (K,Na)(Nb, Ta)O3 Based Lead-Free Piezoelectrics (Kochi Kukuta, Yoshiki Watanabe, Shun Kondo, Takeshi Asano, Jun Sakai, and Makoto Suzuki).
Structural and Electrical Characterization of Lead-Free (1-x)(Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3-xBaTiO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics (Deepam Maurya, Cheol-Woo Ahn, and Shashank Priya).
Temperature Dependences of Piezoelectric Properties of Textured (Bi1/2K1/2)TiO3–BaTiO3 Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics (Hahime Nagata, Masahiro Menoto, Yuji Hiruma, and Tadashi Takenaka).
Structure and Dielectric Properties of Tellurium Oxide-Based Materials (N. Berkaïne, J. Cornette, D. Hamani, P. Thomas, O. Masson, A. Mirgorodsky, J. Colas, J.R. Ducière, T. Merle-Méjean, J.-C. Champarnaud-Mesjard, M. Smirnov, V. Couderc, T. Cardinal, and E. Fargin).
Dielectric Anisotropy of Ferroelectric Single Crystals in Microwave C-Band by Cavity Vectorial Perturbation Method (Robert McIntosh, Amar Bhalla, and Ruyan Guo).
Characterization and Microstructure Evolution in Er-Doped BaTiO3 Ceramics (V. Mitic, V.B. Pavolovic, V. Paunovic, Lj. Kocic, and Lj. Zivkovic.).
Improvement of the Dielectric Properties of Tunable (Ba,Sr)TiO3–MgO Composites by Decreasing Heterogeneous Diffusion (Romaine Costs, Michel Paté, and Jean-Pierre Ganne).
High Thermal Conductivity A/N Materials (Isabel K. Lloyd).
Metal-Encapsulation of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles (Su-Chul Yang, Cheol-Woo Ahn, Chee-Sung Park, Yaodong Yang, Dwight Viehland, and Shashank Priya).
Applications and Devices.
Optical and Electrical Single Crystals for UV/VUV Applications (K. Shimamura, E.G. Villora, and N. Ichinose).
Microanalyses for Piezoresistive Effect on Actual and Modeled Interfaces of RuO2-Glass Thick Film Resistors (M. Totokawa and T. Tani).
Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials for Sensors, Capacitors, and Actuators (Cheol-Woo Ahn, Deepam Maurya, Alex O. Aning, and Shashank Priya).
Processing Issues in Pulse DC Sputtering of Vanadium Oxide This Films for Uncooled Infrared Detectors (S.S.N. Bharadwaja, C. Venkatasubramanyam, N. Fieldhouse, B. Gauntt, Myung Yoon Lee, S. Ashok, E.C. Dickey, T.N. Jackson, and M. Horn).
Semiconducting Metal Oxides as Oxygen Sensor (Wei Wu, David W. Greene, and Irving J. Oppenheim).
Introduction of Embossed Diaphragm in an Integrated Optical and Electronic Sensor (Ivan Padron, Anthony T. Fiory, and Nuggehalli M. Ravindra).
Optical Line Width in Quantum Dots and Nanodevices (Karel Kral and Miroslav Mensik).
DuPontTM Green TapeTM 9K7 Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) Low Loss Dielectric System for High Frequency Microwave Applications (K. M. Nair, M. F. McCombs, K. E. Souders, J. M. Parisi, K. H. Hang, D. M. Nair, and S. C. Beers).
Polyvinvylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Piezoelectric for Intravascular Monitoring of Blood Pressure and Arterial Blood Flow Rate (Juan P. Tamez, Hsiao-Yuan Wang, Amar Bhalla, and Ruyan Guo).
Indirect Template Method of Magnetic Field Assisted Assembly (Rene D. Rivero, Ivan Padron, Michael R. Booty, Anthony T. Fiory, and N.M. Ravindra).
Recent Developments in Thermoelectric Metrology at NIST (W. Wong-Ng, J. Martin, E. L. Thomas, M. Otani, N. Lowhorn, M. Green, G. Liu, Y.G. Yan, J. Hattick-Simpers, and T. Tran).
Author Index.