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Beginning iOS 4 Application Development

ISBN: 978-0-470-91802-9
656 pages
October 2010
Beginning iOS 4 Application Development (0470918020) cover image
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Introduction xvii

Part I: Getting Started

Chapter 1: Getting Started with iOS 4 Programming 3

Obtaining the iPhone SDK 4

Components of the iPhone SDK 6

Some Useful Information before You Get Started 17

Summary 20

Chapter 2: Write Your First Hello World! Application 23

Getting Started with Xcode 23

Customizing Your Application Icon 34

Displaying a Splash Screen 36

Summary 39

Chapter 3: Views, Outlets, and Actions 41

Outlets and Actions 41

Using Views 47

Adding Views Dynamically Using Code 64

Understanding View Hierarchy 68

Summary 70

Chapter 4: View Controllers 73

The View-Based Application Template 74

The Window-Based Application Template 85

The Split View-Based Application Template 103

The Tab Bar Application Template 122

Summary 131

Chapter 5: Multi-Platform Support for the iPhone and iPad 133

Technique 1 — Modifying the Device Target Setting 134

Technique 2 — Creating Universal Applications 141

Technique 3 — Maintaining Two Code Bases 149

Making Your Choice 151

Summary 152

Chapter 6: Keyboard Inputs 155

Using the Keyboard 155

Customizing the Type of Inputs 157

Detecting the Presence of the Keyboard 165

Summary 178

Chapter 7: Screen Rotations 181

Responding to Device Rotations 181

Programmatically Rotating the Screen 190

Summary 192

Part II : Displaying and Persisting Data

Chapter 8: Using the Table View 197

A Simple Table View 198

Using the Table View in a Navigation-Based Application 210

Displaying Sections 210

Summary 239

Chapter 9: Application Preferences 241

Creating Application Preferences 242

Programmatically Accessing the Settings Values 248

Summary 257

Chapter 10: File Handling 261

Understanding the Application Folders 262

Using Property Lists 267

Copying Bundled Resources 274

Summary 275

Chapter 11: Database Storage Using SQLite3 279

Using SQLite3 280

Creating and Opening a Database 282

Bundling SQLite Databases with Your Application 291

Summary 292

Part III : Advanced iOS 4 Programming Techniques

Chapter 12: Simple Animations and Video Playback 297

Using the NSTimer Class 297

Transforming Views 305

Animating a Series of Images 310

Playing Video on the iPhone 313

Summary 317

Chapter 13: Accessing Built-In Applications 319

Sending E‑Mails 319

Accessing the Camera and the Photo Library 328

Summary 341

Chapter 14: Recognizing Gestures 343

Recognizing Gestures 343

Detecting Touches 367

Summary 383

Chapter 15: Accessing the Accelerometer 385

Using the Accelerometer 385

Visualizing the Accelerometer Data 388

Using the Shake API to Detect Shakes 392

Summary 399

Part IV: Network Programming Techniques

Chapter 16: Web Services 403

Basics of Consuming XML Web Services 403

Consuming a Web Service in Your iPhone Application 407

Parsing the XML Response 413

Summary 418

Chapter 17: Bluetooth Programming 421

Using the Game Kit Framework 421

Implementing Voice Chatting 431

Summary 438

Chapter 18: Bonjour Programming 441

Creating the Application 441

Publishing a Service 443

Browsing for Services 446

Summary 452

Chapter 19: Apple Push Notification Service 455

Generating a Certificate Request 456

Generating a Development Certificate 457

Creating an Application ID 461

Creating the iPhone Application 467

Creating the Push Notification Provider 471

Summary 475

Chapter 20: Displaying Maps 477

Displaying Maps and Monitoring Changes Using the Map Kit 477

Getting Location Data 483

Summary 515

Chapter 21: Background Applications 519

Understanding Background Execution on the iPhone 519

Local Notification 530

Summary 537

Part V: Appendices

Appendix A: Testing on an Actual Device 541

Signing Up for the iPhone Developer Program 541

Obtaining the UDID of Your Device 541

Logging in to the iPhone Provisioning Portal 542

Generating a Certificate 544

Registering Your Devices 547

Creating an Application ID 548

Creating a Provisioning Profile 550

Understanding Application ID and the Wildcard 554

Preparing for App Store Submission 557

Summary 563

Appendix B: Getting Around in Xcode 565

Launching Xcode 565

Debugging Your Applications 571

Appendix C: Getting Around in Interface Builder 577

.xib Window 577

Designing the View 578

Inspector Window 579

Library 581

Outlets and Actions 582

Appendix D: Crash Course in Objective-C 591

Directives 591

Classes 592

Memory Management 605

Protocols 612

Selectors 615

Categories 616

Appendix E: Answers to Exercises Wrox.com

Index 619

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