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Inflated: How Money and Debt Built the American Dream

ISBN: 978-0-470-87514-8
416 pages
December 2010
List Price: US $37.95
Government Price: US $19.35
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Chapter 1 Free Banking and Private Money.

The Bank of the United States.

State Debt Defaults.

The Age of Andrew Jackson.

The Panic of 1837.

The Gold Rush.

The Rise of Bank Clearinghouses.

Chapter 2 Lincoln Saves a Nation by Printing Money.

The Lincoln Legacy.

Financing the War.

Salmon Chase and Jay Cooke.

Fisk and Gould Profi t by Infl ation.

The Panic of 1873.

Gold Convertibility Restored.

The Battle Over Silver Money.

A Changing American Dream.

The Silver Compromise.

Chapter 3 Robber Barons and the Gilded Age.

The Age of Speculation.

Republicans Embrace Inflation.

The Panic of 1893.

The Cross of Silver.

The Evangelical Silverites.

The Turning Point: 1896.

Chapter 4 The Rise of the Central Bank.

The Progressive: Theodore Roosevelt.

A Flexible Currency.

The Crisis of 1907.

The National Monetary Commission.

The Passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

Roosevelt, Wilson, and the Politics of Reform.

Chapter 5 War, Boom, and Bust.

The Fed During WWI.

A Return to Republican Normalcy.

The Roaring Twenties.

A New Era of Debt and Investing.

The Rise of Consumer Finance.

America Transformed.

Prelude to the Depression.

Bust: Stocks Fall and Tariffs Rise.

Inflation versus Defl ation.

Ford, Couzens, and the Detroit Banks.

Chapter 6 New Deal to Cold War.

FDR and the Era of Broken Precedent.

The Seizure of Gold and Dollar Devaluation.

Dollar Devaluation Hurt World Trade.

The Rise of the Corporate State.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

Central Planning Arrives in Washington.

FDR Embraces Federal Deposit Insurance.

The Legacy of FDR.

The Fed and the RFC.

Corporativist Reform at the Fed.

America Goes to War.

Wartime Inflation and Debt Finance.

Bretton Woods and Global Infl ation.

Chapter 7 Debt and Infl ation: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.

Federal Revenues Grow.

The Fed Regains Independence.

The Post-War Economy Soars.

The Legacy of War.

Cold War, Free Trade.

The Dollar's Golden Age.

Global Imbalances Return.

Richard Nixon's Betrayal.

The End of the Dollar Peg.

The Return of Sovereign Borrowing.

Chapter 8 Leveraging the American Dream.

The New Uncertainty.

Humphrey-Hawkins and Full Employment.

Balanced Budgets and Inflation.

Volcker's Shock Treatment.

The Crisis Managers.

The Latin Debt Crisis.

Reagan Reappoints Volcker.

The Neverending Crisis.

Volcker Exits, Volatility Returns.

From Excess to Delusion.

The Greenspan Legacy.

Chapter 9 A New Monetary Order.

The Growth Challenge.

Jobs versus Infl ation.

Changing Places.

Triffin's Dilemma and the Dollar.


Selected References.

About the Author.


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