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General and Applied Toxicology, 6 Volume Set, 3rd Edition

Bryan Ballantyne (Editor), Timothy C. Marrs (Editor), Tore Syversen (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-470-72327-2
3940 pages
December 2009
General and Applied Toxicology, 6 Volume Set, 3rd Edition (0470723270) cover image
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Bryan Ballantyne, MD, DSc, PhD, FFOM, FACOM, FAACT, FATS, FRCPath, FIBiol (deceased) was an IndependentConsultant in Occupational and Clinical Toxicology. Prior to that he held the positions of: Director of Applied Toxicology for Union Carbide Corporation in Connecticut, USA; Senior Medical Officer and Head of the Section of Toxicology and Pathology at the UK Chemical Defense Establishment; Adjunct Professor of Toxicology at the University of Pittsburgh; and Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at West Virginia University. He was a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Pathologists, Academy of Toxicological Sciences, and the Institute of Biology. He was formerly a member of the Scientific Subcommittee on Pesticides of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK and of the Committee of Experts on Pesticides, Council of Europe. He has been a member of the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and of the Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology. Dr. Ballantyne was also the editor or co-editor of seven books on toxicology and related areas and a member of the Editorial Board of fi ve toxicology journals, including Toxicology Methods, Forensic Science International, and the Journal of Applied Toxicology.

Timothy Marrs, MD, DSc, MRCP, FRCPath, FIBiol is a consulting toxicologist for Edentox. He was formerly chief toxicologist at the Food Standards Agency in London, and before that Senior Medical Offi cer at the Department of Health. Previous to that, he was Senior Medical Offi cer (Research) at the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down. He is also consulting clinical toxicologist at the West Midlands Poisons Unit in Birmingham. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, Royal College of Physicians of London and of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences. He has also been the editor of a number of books including, Organophosphates and Health and most recently Chemical Warfare Agents Toxicology and Treatment. He has written a number of papers on toxicology and allied subjects. He is a member of a number of government committees.

Tore Syversen, MSc, DrPhil is Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway. He has been professor of toxicology at NTNU since 1977 and has been engaged in the teaching of toxicology to students of medicine, natural sciences and technology. His main research interest has been metals in health, nutrition as well as in occupational medicine and environmental sciences. Current interests also include using cell cultures for mechanism studies as well as the health challenges introduced by nanoparticles.

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