Mobile Peer to Peer (P2P): A Tutorial GuideISBN: 978-0-470-69992-8
274 pages
July 2009
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About the book.
List of Contributors.
Part One Introduction and Motivation.
1 Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks: An Introduction to the Tutorial Guide (Frank H. P. Fitzek and Hassan Charaf).
1.1 Introduction and Motivation.
1.2 Wireless Technologies.
1.2.1 Short-range Technologies.
1.2.2 Future Wireless Trends.
1.3 Mobile Architectures.
1.3.1 Cellular Networks.
1.3.2 Short-range Point-to-Point Networks.
1.3.3 Meshed Networks.
1.3.4 Cooperative Networks.
1.4 Mobile Scenarios and Business Cases.
1.4.1 Social Mobile Networks.
1.4.2 Cooperative Wireless Networks.
2 The Evolution of Social Interactions in Networked Space (Lara Srivastava and Frank H. P. Fitzek).
2.1 Connectivity Takes on a New Dimension.
2.2 The Principle of Sharing.
2.3 Transspatial and Transtemporal Perspective.
2.4 Socialization in the Mobile Digital Age.
2.5 Future Perspectives.
Part Two Basic Functionalities for Mobile P2P.
3 The Symbian C++ Programming Environment (Morten V. Pedersen and Frank H. P. Fitzek).
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Tools Overview.
3.3 Installing the IDE.
3.4 Installing the SDK and Prerequisites.
3.5 Using the Carbide IDE.
3.6 Installing Applications on the Device.
3.7 Quick Resource Overview.
4 Introduction to Bluetooth Communication on Mobile Devices(Morten V. Pedersen and Frank H. P. Fitzeki).
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Turning Bluetooth On/Off.
4.3 Discovering Bluetooth Devices.
4.3.1 Using the Bluetooth UI.
4.3.2 Performing Background Device Search.
4.4 The Service Discovery Protocol.
4.4.1 Advertising a Service.
4.4.2 The Structure of a Service Record.
4.4.3 Searching for Services.
4.5 Connecting and Transferring Data.
4.5.1 Building a Server.
4.5.2 Building a Client.
4.5.3 Transferring Data.
4.6 Summary.
5 Introduction to WLAN IEEE802.11 Communication on Mobile Devices (Károly Farkas and Gergely Csúcs).
5.1 IEEE802.11 Architecture Components.
5.2 IEEE802.11 Layers.
5.2.1 The Physical Layer.
5.2.2 The MAC Layer.
5.3 Joining the WLAN.
5.4 Handover.
5.5 Synchronization.
5.6 Security.
5.7 Multihop Networks.
5.7.1 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
5.7.2 Infrastructure Mesh Networks.
5.8 Building Blocks for S60 Ad Hoc WLAN Networking.
5.8.1 Enumerating Nearby WLAN Networks.
5.8.2 Enumerating WLAN Access Points Configured in the Device.
5.8.3 Connecting to the Network.
5.8.4 Manual IAP Selection.
5.8.5 Selecting the IAP Programmatically.
5.8.6 Communication.
5.8.7 Advanced Tasks.
5.9 Ad Hoc Monitor Example.
6 Developing Network-capable Applications (Péter Ekler, Bertalan Forstner and Gábor Zavarkó).
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Retrieving Phone Network Data on Symbian OS.
6.3 Mobile Clients in the Context of the Client–Server Architecture.
6.3.1 Main Features of the Example Webshop Client.
6.3.2 Connecting a Mobile Client to a Webshop.
6.3.3 Implementing a Webshop to Serve Mobile Clients.
6.4 Summary.
Part Three Mobile P2P Examples.
7 SymTorrent and GridTorrent: Developing BitTorrent Clients on the Symbian Platform (Imre Kelényi and Bertalan Forstner).
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 SymTorrent.
7.3 GridTorrent.
7.4 Developing a BitTorrent Client.
7.4.1 Creating the Network Manager.
7.4.2 Network Connections.
7.4.3 Listening for Incoming Connections.
7.4.4 Sending Data Via Sockets.
7.4.5 Receiving Data from Sockets.
7.4.6 The Socket Base Class.
7.4.7 The Peer Connection.
7.4.8 The Tracker Connection.
7.4.9 The Torrent.
7.4.10 The Torrent Manager.
7.4.11 Differences in GridTorrent.
7.5 Conclusion.
8 Introduction to Network Coding for Mobile Peer to Peer (P2P) (Janus Heide and Leonardo Militano).
8.1 Introduction to Network Coding.
8.2 The Butterfly Example.
8.3 Network Coding by XORing.
8.4 Network Coding in a Cooperative Context.
8.4.1 No Cooperation.
8.4.2 Cooperation.
8.4.3 Cooperation with Network Coding.
8.5 Proof of Concept Implementation.
8.6 The XORChat Implementation.
8.7 Outlook.
9 Mobile Social Networking – Beyond the Hype (Bertalan Forstner and Imre Kelényi).
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Gnutella and GGEP.
9.3 Finding Peers.
9.3.1 Host Cache.
9.3.2 Web Caches.
9.4 Connecting to Random Peers.
9.5 Protocol Messages.
9.6 Putting Intelligence into the Peer Selection.
9.6.1 The Simplest Way: Fetching the Musical Genre.
9.6.2 Now I Know Who to Connect to!.
9.7 Conclusion.
10 Using Location-based Services on Mobile Phones (Péter Ekler and Gábor Zavarkó).
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Background.
10.2.1 GPS-based Positioning.
10.2.2 Location-based Services.
10.3 Implementing Location-based Services on Mobile Phones.
10.3.1 Location API of Symbian OS.
10.3.2 Location API of Java ME.
10.4 FindFriends Example Application.
10.4.1 Use Cases.
10.4.2 The Design of FindFriends.
10.4.3 Network Communication.
10.5 Summary.
11 Developing Java Games on Symbian OS-based Mobile Devices (Péter Ekler).
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 The Java Virtual Machine Implementation of Symbian OS.
11.2.1 Programming Java on Symbian OS.
11.2.2 Processing Power of MIDlets.
11.2.3 Network Handling.
11.3 Writing Games for Mobile Phones.
11.3.1 General Concepts of Game Development.
11.3.2 GameCanvas.
11.3.3 Ad Hoc WLAN-based Multiplayer Games on Java ME.
11.4 MobSensor.
11.4.1 MobSensor Functions.
11.4.2 MobSensor Architecture.
11.4.3 Playing mp3 Alerts in MobSensor.
11.4.4 The User Interface of MobSensor.
11.5 Summary.