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Green Supply Chains: An Action Manifesto

ISBN: 978-0-470-68941-7
320 pages
May 2010
List Price: US $105.00
Government Price: US $67.20
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Foreword ix

Preface xi

About this book xvii

About the authors xix

Part 1: Introduction 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to Green Supply Chains 3

1.1 Benefits of Green Supply Chains 6

1.2 Traditional and Green Supply Chains 9

1.3 Green Supply Chains and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 10

1.4 Drivers of Green Supply Chain 12

1.5 Green Supply Chain Framework 13

Chapter 2: Impact on Bottom Line through Green Supply Chains 17

2.1 Key Contributors to the Profitability of Green Supply Chains 17

2.2 Construction Industry 19

2.3 Logistics Industry 20

2.4 Automobile Industry 21

2.5 FMCG Industry 21

2.6 Chemical Industry 22

2.7 Electronics Industry 22

2.8 Conclusion 22

Appendix: Analytical Methodology and Details for Cost-Benefit Analysis from Green Supply Chains 25

Part 2: Green Supply Chain Planning 27

Chapter 3: Green Supply Chain Planning 29

3.1 Life Cycle Management 30

3.2 Benefits of Life Cycle Management 30

3.3 Goals of Life Cycle Management 32

3.4 Green Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) 38

Part 3: Green Procurement and Sourcing 57

Chapter 4: Green Procurement 59

4.1 Procurement Definitions, Aims, and Scope 59

4.2 Benefits of Green Procurement 63

4.3 Drivers of Green Procurement 67

4.4 Challenges 69

4.5 Factors Affecting Green Procurement 73

4.6 Moving towards Green Procurement 87

4.7 Reflections on Green Procurement: Joined-up Thinking 88

Part 4: Green Supply Chain Execution 93

Chapter 5: Green Production 95

5.1 Benefits of Green Production 96

5.2 Drivers of Green Production 98

5.3 Challenges of Green Production 99

5.4 Key Components of Green Production 102

Chapter 6: Green Logistics 123

6.1 Drivers of Green Logistics 124

6.2 Benefits of Green Logistics 126

6.3 Challenges in Green Logistics 126

6.4 Moving towards Green Logistics 132

Chapter 7: Green Packaging 139

7.1 Benefits of Green Packaging 142

7.2 Drivers of Green Packaging 143

7.3 Getting Started with Green Packaging 145

Chapter 8: Green Marketing 151

8.1 Importance of Green Marketing 152

8.2 Drivers of Green Marketing 153

8.3 Challenges in Green Marketing 157

8.4 Elements of Green Marketing 158

Chapter 9: Supply Loops 165

9.1 Examples of Supply Loops 166

9.2 Components of Supply Loops 168

9.3 Drivers of Supply Loops 175

9.4 Benefits of Supply Loops 178

9.5 Moving towards Supply Loops 179

Part 5: Carbon Management 181

Chapter 10: Carbon Footprint Minimization across the Supply Chain 183

10.1 Carbon Measurement 186

10.2 Carbon Minimization 192

10.3 Carbon Monitoring 196

10.4 Carbon Reporting 196

Part 6: Migration Strategy 199

Chapter 11: Green Supply Chain Migration Strategy 201

11.1 Phase I, Detailed Analysis 205

11.2 Phase II, Design and Implementation 208

11.3 Phase III, Organizational Change Management 211

Part 7: Continuous Improvement and Performance Evaluation 215

Chapter 12: Green Supply Chain Continuous Improvement 217

12.1 Benefits of Continuous Improvement in Green Supply Chains 218

12.2 Prerequisites of Continuous Improvement 219

12.3 Methodology of Continuous Improvement 219

12.4 Green Supply Chain Benchmarking 221

12.5 Pareto Analysis 222

12.6 Example of Green Supply Chain Continuous Improvement 223

Chapter 13: Green Supply Chain Performance Evaluation 225

13.1 Benefits of Performance Evaluation 225

13.2 Performance Evaluation Methodology 227

13.3 Presenting Finding of Performance Evaluation 230

13.4 Using Information from Performance Evaluation for Making Decisions 232

13.5 Measurement Toolkit 233

Part 8: Appendix – Case Studies 235

Case Study 1: Making an End-to-end Supply Chain Green: the GFTN/WWF Initiative 235

Case Study 2: Collaboration in Supply Chains 254

Case Study 3: Green Reverse Supply Chain Waste and Kodak 263

Case Study 4: Green Packaging and Reverse Logistics – The Free Pack Net SRL Case Study 264

Case Study 5: Chicago Climate Exchange 269

Case Study 6: Green Grocery Stores in the Retail Sector 272

Case Study 7: Product Design and Recycling and Sony 273

Case Study 8: Renewable Energy and Geothermal Power Usage 274

References and Bibliography 277

Index 279

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