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The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting

ISBN: 978-0-470-59237-3
320 pages
November 2010, Pfeiffer
The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting (0470592370) cover image
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Website Contents.


The Difference Between Training and Consulting: Which Annual to Use?

Introduction to The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting.

Experiential Learning Activities.

Introduction to the Experiential Learning Activities Section.

Experiential Learning Activities Categories.

Signatures and Shoes: Breaking the Ice (Mahaveer Jain).

**Multicultural Environments: Sharing Emotions (Shruti Jain and Kriti Swarup).

Heroes: Exploring Who We Are (Ashley L. Foreman).

What's the Big Idea? Generating Alternatives (Frank A. Prince).

Elementary, My Dear Watson: Finding the Answer (Richard T. Whelan).

**Add, Revise, Delete: Building Agreement (David Piltz).

**The Strategic Handoff: Closing the Execution Gap (James Eicher).

**Team Guidelines: Establishing Group Norms (Beverly J. Bitterman).

Balloon Tower: Building Innovation and Collaboration (Rob Fletcher).

The Star Team! Determining Team Values (Cher Holton).

Scavenger Hunt: Developing the Team (Kay Hubbard and Ingrid E. Winters).

**Organizational Dynamics: Enhancing Global Team Effectiveness (Charlotte S. Waisman and Linda M. Bedinger).

Meet and Greet: Creating a Community (Robert Alan Black).

**Networks at Play: Practicing Organizational Communication (Maya Townsend).

**Competing Values Framework: Learning About Organizational Culture (Richa Awasthy).

What Did You Expect? Managing Change (Dennis E. Gilbert).

Editor's Choice.

Introduction to the Editor's Choice Section.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats: Facilitating a SWOT Analysis (Kris Downing).

Drug Rehabilitation Stakeholder Partnership Programs (Peter R. Garber and Lauren J. Garber).

Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys.

Introduction to the Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys Section.

**Organization Ethical Climate Self-Assessment (Terry Newell).

**Competitive Intelligence Scale for Organizations (CISO) (Sacip Toker and James L. Moseley).

Articles and Discussion Resources.

Introduction to the Articles and Discussion Resources Section.

Creating a Culture of Dreams Leads to Unparalleled Organizational Success (Jeri T. Denniston).

Are You Change Ready? (Lawrence Polsky and Antoine Gerschel).

**Encouraging Innovation: The Role of Leaders (Jan M. Schmuckler).

**Building Effective Communities: Defining Community and How to Build It Within Your Organization (Allison M. Lizzadro, Susan B. Cain, and Tim Buividas).

**The Execution Gap: Seven Questions You Must Ask (James Eicher).

Essentials of Group Presentations (Shruti Jain and Kriti Swarup).

**Creating and Leading Effective Virtual Teams (Diane M. Gayeski).

**Positive Team Coaching (Kathy Harman).

Harnessing the Potential of Organization Development (Avinash Kumar Srivastav).

The Magic of Dialogue: Empowering the Client (Mohandas Nair).

**Using Experiential Learning to Implement Organizational Change (Travis L. Russ).

**Leading a Service Culture (Susan J. Hoekstra).


Contents of the Companion Volume, The 2011 Pfeiffer Annual: Training.

Pfeiffer Publications Guide.

**Organizational Dynamics Topics.

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