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Professional C# 4.0 and .NET 4

ISBN: 978-0-470-50225-9
1536 pages
March 2010
Professional C# 4.0 and .NET 4 (0470502258) cover image
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ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
Part IV Part IV Error in Text
Part IV: Data should read:

Here, you look at accessing data using ADO.NET and learn about the ADO.NET Entity Framework and WCF Data Services. This part also extensively covers support in .NET for XML, using LINQ to query XML data sources, and the .NET features of SQL Server 2008.
Part V Part V Error in Text
Part V should read:

This section starts by showing you how to build applications based upon the Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, and covers writing components that will run on web sites, serving up web pages. It continues with coverage on building classic Windows applications, which are called Windows Forms in .NET. Windows Forms are the thick-client version of applications, and using .NET to build these types of applications is a quick and easy way of accomplishing this task. Finally, it includes coverage of the tremendous number of features that ASP.NET, building web sites with dynamic data, and building web applications using ASP.NET MVC.
LIV Error in Text
Introduction, 3rd paragraph of text and 3rd block of code:

Currently reads: isTrailUser:
Should read: isTrialuser:
16 Error in Text
The complete tip about WinCV should be removed: WinCV, a Windows-based utility, can be used to browse?
?covered by the .NET 3.5 base classes?

Should be:
?covered by the .NET 4.0 base classes?
2 61 Error in Text
public int subscriberId;

should be:
private int subscriberId;

public int _subscriberId;

should be:
private int _subscriberId;
63 Error in Text
const implements preserve to

appears in two lines on this page and should be only in one
67 Error in Code
In the 'properties' sub-section of the 'function members' part , it reads:

...so you don't have use method names.....

should read ... so you don't have [to] use method names...
68 Error in Text
// Instantiate at MathTest object

Should be:

// Instantiate a MathTest object
73 Error in Code
Code is
return Name;

Should be
return name;
74 Error in Text
public string Age { get; set; }

should be:
public int Age { get; set; }


public string Age { get; }

should be:
public int Age { get; }


public string Age { get; private set; }

should be:
public int Age { get; private set; }
85 Error in Code
Under the ToString() Method:

Reads: string str = i.ToString(); // returns "-50"
Should read: string str = i.ToString(); // returns "50"
99 Error in Text
In the Visibility Modifiers table, the "Applies To" column is incorrect:

internal—Any member of a type, also any nested type
private—Any types or members

Should be:

internal—Any types or members
private—Any member of a type, also any nested type
5 111 Error in Text
The AddLast method should be:
public LinkedListNode AddLast(object node)
var newNode = new LinkedListNode(node);
if (First == null)
First = newNode;
Last = First;
LinkedListNode previous = Last;
Last.Next = newNode;
Last = newNode;
Last.Prev = previous;
return newNode;
111 Error in Text
The “<” symbol before “public” should be removed
5 112 Error in Text
The AddLast method should be changed:

public LinkedListNode AddLast(T node)
var newNode = new LinkedListNode(node);
if (First == null)
First = newNode;
Last = First;
LinkedListNode previous = Last;
Last.Next = newNode;
Last = newNode;
Last.Prev = previous;
return newNode;
116 Error in Text
The “<” symbol before “static” should be removed
117 Error in Text
In the first line of code on the page:

IEnumerable<out T>

Should be

130 Error in Text
The first occurrence of

int[] myArray = new int[] { 4, 7, 11, 2 };

should be:

int[] myArray = new int[4] { 4, 7, 11, 2 };

It’s OK in the second occurrence.
132 Error in Text
<nt[,] twodim = new int[3, 3];

Should be:

int[,] twodim = new int[3, 3];
139 Error in Text
"Array covariance has an issue that can only resolved with ..."

Should be:

"Array covariance has an issue that can only be resolved with ..."
186 Error in Text
Brackets should be replaced by parentheses:

"In any code, supplying the name of a delegate instance, followed by brackets containing any parameters, ..."

Should be:

"In any code, supplying the name of a delegate instance, followed by parentheses containing any parameters, ..."

"In fact, supplying brackets to the delegate instances ..."

Should be:

"In fact, supplying parentheses to the delegate instances ..."
191 Error in Code
Page 191:
if (sortArray[i] < sortArray[i + 1]))

should be:
if (softArray[i] > sortArray[i + 1])
198 Error in Text
Console.WriteLine(anonDel(“Start of a string”));

Should be:

Console.WriteLine(lambda(“Start of a string”));
193 Error in Code
BubbleSorter.Sort( ... )should read BubbleSorter.Sort( ... )
201 Error in Code
Currently states:

public event EventHandler<CarInfoEventArgs> NewCarInfo
add {newCarInfo += value;}
remove {newCarInfo = value;}
Should be:

public event EventHandler<CarInfoEventArgs> NewCarInfo
add {newCarInfo += value;}
remove {newCarInfo -= value;}
202 Error in Code
The 2nd code snippet, EventsSample/Program.cs currently reads:

dealer.NewCarInfo = michael.NewCarIsHere;

should be:
dealer.NewCarInfo - = michael.NewCarIsHere;
500 Error in Text
Under the code sample it reads:
When you run the application, you can see that 50 worker threads are possible with the current settings.

Should read:
When you run the application, you can see that 1023 worker threads are possible with the current settings.
25 Text Correction
?Next, you declare a class MyFirstClass.
Should be:
Next, you declare a class MyFirstCSharpClass.
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