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Professional Parallel Programming with C#: Master Parallel Extensions with .NET 4

ISBN: 978-0-470-49599-5
520 pages
December 2010
Professional Parallel Programming with C#: Master Parallel Extensions with .NET 4 (0470495995) cover image
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Chapter 1 156 bytes Click to Download
Chapter 2 579.30 KB Click to Download
Chapter 3 328.51 KB Click to Download
Chapter 4 596.14 KB Click to Download
Chapter 5 57.58 MB Click to Download
Chapter 6 609.34 KB Click to Download
Chapter 7 56.80 KB Click to Download
Chapter 8 438.34 KB Click to Download
Chapter 9 909.28 KB Click to Download
Chapter 10 546.34 KB Click to Download
Chapter 11 888.13 KB Click to Download

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