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Grace and Divorce: God's Healing Gift to Those Whose Marriages Fall Short

ISBN: 978-0-470-49011-2
226 pages
January 2009, Jossey-Bass
List Price: US $26.00
Government Price: US $13.26
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Grace and Divorce: God's Healing Gift to Those Whose Marriages Fall Short (047049011X) cover image



1. But You Must Have Biblical Grounds!

2. Adam’s Nature, God’s Grace.

3. Enter the Law.

4. Christ’s Impossible Standard and His Enduring Grace.

5. The Perfect Principle.

6. Mercy’s Priority.

7. Grace Is Radical.

8. The Perils of Imperative Thinking.

9. What Divorcees Need.

10. What About Grace Abusers?

11. Why Are People Judgmental?

12. Glue for Broken Marriages.

13. Grace for All.

The Author.

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