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WPF Programmer's Reference: Windows Presentation Foundation with C# 2010 and .NET 4

ISBN: 978-0-470-47722-9
624 pages
March 2010
WPF Programmer's Reference: Windows Presentation Foundation with C# 2010 and .NET 4 (0470477229) cover image
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Introduction xxvii

Chapter 1: WPF Overview 1

Chapter 2: WPF in Visual Studio 21

Chapter 3: Expression Blend 37

Chapter 4: Common Properties 61

Chapter 5: Content Controls 73

Chapter 6: Layout Controls 101

Chapter 7: User Interaction Controls 119

Chapter 8 Tw o-Dimensional Chapter 8: Drawing Controls 145

Chapter 9: Properties 153

Chapter 10: Pens and Brushes 165

Chapter 11: Events and Code-Behind 179

Chapter 12: Resources 193

Chapter 13: Styles and Property Triggers 213

Chapter 14 Event Triggers a Chapter 14: and Animation 235

Chapter 15: Templates 263

Chapter 16: Themes and Skins 283

Chapter 17: Printing 303

Chapter 18: Data Binding 317

Chapter 19: Commanding 347

Chapter 20: Transformations and Effects 359

Chapter 21: Documents 367

Chapter 22: Navigation-Based Applications 379

Chapter 23: Three-Dimensional Drawing 387

Chapter 24: Silverlight 407

Appendix A: Common Properties 417

Appendix B: Content Controls 425

Appendix C: Layout Controls 443

Appendix D: User Interaction Controls 461

Appendix E: MediaElement Control 487

Appendix F: Pens 493

Appendix G: Brushes 495

Appendix H: Path Mini-Language 507

Appendix I: XPath 511

Appendix J: Data Binding 519

Appendix K: Commanding Classes 525

Appendix L: Bitmap Eff ects 533

Appendix M: Styles 535

Appendix N: Templates 539

Appendix O: Triggers and Animation 549

Appendix P: Index of Example Programs 555

Index 573

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