Access 2010 BibleISBN: 978-0-470-47534-8
1392 pages
May 2010
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Chapter | Page | Details | Date | Print Run |
3 | Errata in text When in Design View for a Table, you will notice a data type selection called Calculated. This data type was introduced with the release of Access 2010. With Calculated type fields, you can build mathematical operations, textual evaluations, or any other calculation directly into your table. This data type is widely considered to be a horrible addition to the available data types in Access Tables. Tables, by their very nature, are designed to store raw data. The job of performing calculations is traditionally left to Queries or VBA code. This allows for the separation of the data layer and analysis layer. This separation data and analysis is one of the strengths of Access. It allows for transparency and confidence in data integrity. When you look at the data in an Access Table, you can be sure that the it is in it's purest, most raw form. The introduction of the Calculated data type completely goes against this paradigm. With a Calculated field, you are locking in a calculation that could be wrong, that could be changed over time, or that could cause errors in later analysis. We highly recommend you stay away from Calculated fields. |
18-Dec-15 |