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The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold and Tax Cuts

ISBN: 978-0-470-45265-3
400 pages
July 2009
List Price: US $24.95
Government Price: US $12.72
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The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold and Tax Cuts (047045265X) cover image

February 09, 2010
The Conscience of a Libertarian


The Conscience of a Libertarian
Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts
By Wayne Allyn Root


Meet the ROSS PEROT OF 2012



"Open your wallets and purses. Look inside. Vote for me. And I promise to stay the hell out of there!"

 --Wayne Allyn Root



Wayne Allyn Root (WAR) is not your typical politician; in fact, many in the media call him the "ANTI-Politician." A Libertarian-conservative combination of Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Ron Paul (on STEROIDS), he is the author of THE CONSCIENCE OF A LIBERTARIAN: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts (Wiley; July 29, 2009; $24.95, Hardcover; 978-0-470-45265-3) in which he reminds us that there is another choice for voters in America: an independent, common sense path. In his new book, he not only defines the problems in America but offers plausible practical solutions.

Obama's college classmate at Columbia University (class of '83), Root burst on the scene with guns a-blazing against Obama's Big Brother socialist agenda, Bush and the pathetic hypocritical 'nanny state' GOP, and all the corrupt, arrogant, morally bankrupt politicians of the two-party political system. Root calls himself an equal opportunity offender while referring to Democrats and Republicans as "big and bigger, dumb and dumber."  And he has four words for all politicians who voted for bailouts, handouts, entitlements, stimulus, and tax cuts for people who didn't pay taxes in the first place - "Throw the bums out!"


  • He is declaring WAR on the politicians of both parties.
  • He is declaring WAR on the Beltway insiders.
  • He is declaring WAR on the biased liberal media elite.
  • He is declaring WAR on big government, big spending, big taxes, big unions, and big corporations, including their armies of lawyers and lobbyists.
  • He is declaring WAR on the out-of-control bloated salaries and pensions of government employees.


THE CONSCIENCE OF A LIBERTARIAN is the story of a blue-collar S.O.B. (son of a butcher) who came out of nowhere to become the Libertarian Vice-Presidential nominee of 2008, who some say will become the Ross Perot of 2012. Living proof that his message works, today Root is a dynamic, charismatic, telegenic, limited government, anti-tax, small businessman, home-school dad, citizen politician, and capitalist evangelist who truly believes in freedom from big government in America. In his new book, Root illustrates how...


  • Obama wants to turn America into one big California - the most debt-ridden, bankrupt, insolvent state, with the lowest bond ratings in the country; California is ground zero for economic Armageddon.


  • His common sense vision, to follow the "Nevada model" - with smaller government, less spending, dramatically lower taxes, far fewer government employees - will lead to far more personal and economic freedom. Result: Nevada has been #1 in population growth for past 25 years!


  • To end reverse racism by eliminating affirmative action.


  • Most of today's social programs, government spending, bailouts, handouts and economic stimulus plans are unconstitutional.


  • Government will run health care like Amtrak and the U.S. Postal Service - into bankruptcy.


  • 'Cap and trade' represents nothing more than a fraudulent scheme for government to take control over business, triple electric rates, and redistribute wealth.


  • To save our economy by eliminating or reigning in the Federal Reserve; and how to ban bailouts and corporate welfare.


  • To empower entrepreneurs and small business owners to create their own union: the Private Sector Taxpayers of America (PSTA).


  • To end expensive wars and bring about dramatic reductions of foreign aid and Pentagon waste, reducing bureaucracy and eliminating entire government agencies (like the IRS and the Dept. of Education).


  • To force Congress to read every word of every bill they vote on and install term limits for all politicians.


  • To solve the economic crisis via a one-year "income tax vacation" for all taxpayers - thereby reinvigorating the economy, encouraging savings and consumption, and rescuing small business owners.


  • To end the IRS forever.


  • To dramatically cut spending with "Constitutional Impoundment."


  • To use the Nevada model of legalizing and taxing "sin" to reduce taxpayers' burden by $260 billion.


...and so much more.  Wayne Allyn Root's highly anticipated book will teach Americans how to protect and preserve their inalienable civil liberties once and for all!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential nominee and he is the 2012 Libertarian Presidential frontrunner. WAR is a self-made businessman, capitalist evangelist, national spokesman for several companies in the financial world, as well as an author, business speaker and television and radio personality and producer. His talk radio show airs in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. He began his career as an anchorman for the Financial News Network (now CNBC). For more information, go to: www.ROOTforAmerica.com





Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

By Wayne Allyn Root

Wiley; July 2009; $24.95; Hardcover

ISBN 13: 978-0-470-45265-3


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